best way to move nicepage content between sites

61 Posts
voodoo posted this 30 September 2021
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Situation :-
I have a WordPress site with nicepage created pages and theme (pages created in WP not in NP desktop).
I want to import / migrate the nicepage pages in my wordpress site to another WP site. The WP installations are all on the same domain.

What are my options on how to get that content copied over to a new WP installation ?

Situation :- I have a WordPress site with nicepage created pages and theme (pages created in WP not in NP desktop). I want to import / migrate the nicepage pages in my wordpress site to another WP site. The WP installations are all on the same domain. What are my options on how to get that content copied over to a new WP installation ?
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Support Team
Support Team posted this 30 September 2021

Thank you for being our customer!

Try using a site migration plugin for WordPress. It should work well.

Nicepage Support Team

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Hi, Thank you for being our customer! Try using a site migration plugin for WordPress. It should work well. ................................................... Sincerely, Lilioneta Nicepage Support Team Please subscribe to our YouTube channel: Follow us on Facebook:
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