Menu and anchor with several blocks in one page site

7 Posts
giraud posted this 24 September 2021
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I've seen the video and when I want want to link a section menu with a block in a one page site it works.

But could you tell me if it's possible to link several blocks to a section menu?

How can I write it ? for example namepage#carousel_694c; carousel_65c2;carousel_12a5

In advance thank you for your answer

Hello, I've seen the video and when I want want to link a section menu with a block in a one page site it works. But could you tell me if it's possible to link several blocks to a section menu? How can I write it ? for **example namepage#carousel_694c; carousel_65c2;carousel_12a5** In advance thank you for your answer
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Support Team
Support Team posted this 24 September 2021

Hello Chrystèle,
Thank you for being our customer!

Do you mean linking several blocks to one menu item? It is not possible for now. However, we will take your suggestion into considiration.

Nicepage Support Team

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Hello Chrystèle, Thank you for being our customer! Do you mean linking several blocks to one menu item? It is not possible for now. However, we will take your suggestion into considiration. ................................................... Sincerely, Lilioneta Nicepage Support Team Please subscribe to our YouTube channel: Follow us on Facebook:
7 Posts
giraud posted this 24 September 2021

Thank you

Thank you Lilioneta
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