
5 Posts
Marmotte posted this 09 September 2021
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Will it be possible in a future version to export a site made with nicepage in Joomla from the online site?
This function would be very useful, because it is increasingly easy to work directly on an online site. I had to suffer the loss of several of my sites made with nicepage the host having erased the site in production as well as the backup site. Fortunately after 2 weeks they managed to restore them. If I had had a personal backup, I would have been less stressed.
Thank you for your excellent work.

Will it be possible in a future version to export a site made with nicepage in Joomla from the online site? This function would be very useful, because it is increasingly easy to work directly on an online site. I had to suffer the loss of several of my sites made with nicepage the host having erased the site in production as well as the backup site. Fortunately after 2 weeks they managed to restore them. If I had had a personal backup, I would have been less stressed. Thank you for your excellent work.
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Support Team
Support Team posted this 10 September 2021

Hello Jean-Marie,
Thank you for being our customer!

Will it be possible in a future version to export a site made with nicepage in Joomla from the online site?

It is on our wishlist. However, we have no info on when and if this function will be available.

Nicepage Support Team

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Hello Jean-Marie, Thank you for being our customer! > Will it be possible in a future version to export a site made with nicepage in Joomla from the online site? It is on our wishlist. However, we have no info on when and if this function will be available. ................................................... Sincerely, Lilioneta Nicepage Support Team Please subscribe to our YouTube channel: Follow us on Facebook:
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