Set Header sticky

3 Posts
andrea.ducceschi posted this 06 September 2021
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Good morning,
I tried all I know to make the header sticky on scroll but I coudn't make it. I developed my site using your plugin for wordpress.
I'm using Astra theme. Of course I choosed the "Nicepage header and footer" option.

Do you have any suggestion?
Andrea Ducceschi

Good morning, I tried all I know to make the header sticky on scroll but I coudn't make it. I developed my site using your plugin for wordpress. I'm using Astra theme. Of course I choosed the "Nicepage header and footer" option. Do you have any suggestion? Thaks. Andrea Ducceschi
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Support Team
Support Team posted this 06 September 2021

Hello Andrea,

Thanks for using Nicepage.
Could you please tell us what steps you make and what options are used to make Header Sticky?
If you disable third-party plugins, did the problem also exist?
Negat Veri
Nicepage Support Team

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Hello Andrea, Thanks for using Nicepage. Could you please tell us what steps you make and what options are used to make Header Sticky? If you disable third-party plugins, did the problem also exist? ................................................... Sincerely, Negat Veri Nicepage Support Team Please subscribe to our YouTube channel: Follow us on Facebook:
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