Como compartir editor nicepage?

1 Posts
taliaraodrigues posted this 03 September 2021
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Hola como comparto mi proyecto en edicion con otros usuarios (grupo), ya que esta realizado con mi cuenta personal. Quiero compartir en linea la edicion del proyecto de pagina.

Hola como comparto mi proyecto en edicion con otros usuarios (grupo), ya que esta realizado con mi cuenta personal. Quiero compartir en linea la edicion del proyecto de pagina.
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Support Team
Support Team posted this 03 September 2021

Hi, Talia,

Thanks for your interest in Nicepage!

If you are using Nicepage Online, you can transfer your Project to anyone with a Nicepage account if you purchase the Web App With Hosting + Designer App Pack plan. This feature is available in the Business, Pro, and Ultimate editions. Here you can read more information concerning Nicepage Hosting Plans, which provide Premium features for Nicepage Online:

As an alternative, you can simply export your website as a Project, and share a file with someone. The Project export is available for users with the Free License.

enter image description here

Please let us know if you need our further help.
Paul C.
Nicepage Support Team

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Hi, Talia, Thanks for your interest in Nicepage! If you are using Nicepage Online, you can transfer your Project to anyone with a Nicepage account if you purchase the *Web App With Hosting + Designer App Pack* plan. This feature is available in the *Business, Pro, and Ultimate* editions. Here you can read more information concerning Nicepage Hosting Plans, which provide Premium features for Nicepage Online: As an alternative, you can simply export your website as a *Project*, and share a file with someone. The Project export is available for users with the Free License. ![enter image description here][1] Please let us know if you need our further help. ................................................... Sincerely, Paul C. Nicepage Support Team Please subscribe to our YouTube channel: Follow us on Facebook: [1]:
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