jooomla 4.0

78 Posts
nerviroberto posted this 18 August 2021
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joomla is starting to move towards 4.0 version
from a preflight it says that nicepage needs to be updated
any delivery time plans ? (need to schedule a lot of site to update!)

joomla is starting to move towards 4.0 version from a preflight it says that nicepage needs to be updated any delivery time plans ? (need to schedule a lot of site to update!) ty
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Support Team
Support Team posted this 18 August 2021

Hi Nervi,

We are investigating Joomla 4 release right now and will announce the approximate release dates soon. We recommend to keep on using the old Joomla version for now.

Nicepage Support Team

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Hi Nervi, We are investigating Joomla 4 release right now and will announce the approximate release dates soon. We recommend to keep on using the old Joomla version for now. ................................................... Sincerely, Hella Nicepage Support Team Please subscribe to our YouTube channel: Follow us on Facebook:
78 Posts
nerviroberto posted this 18 August 2021

oh for sure :) ty

oh for sure :) ty
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