more than one site

13 Posts
pauljptlo2002 posted this 08 August 2021
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if i am a new member can i put my first wesite in a folder and then work on a second site or do i need to purchase a plan?
If yes, i know how to upload my site to my computer but i can't seem to delete my original website completely..

if i am a new member can i put my first wesite in a folder and then work on a second site or do i need to purchase a plan? If yes, i know how to upload my site to my computer but i can't seem to delete my original website completely..
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MerlinAZ posted this 08 August 2021

Yes, you should be able export the Project, delete it, and create a new one.

Yes, you should be able export the Project, delete it, and create a new one.
Support Team
Support Team posted this 10 August 2021


Please note that you can export your website as a Project and create other websites easely in Nicepage Online Builder, but other types of export are enabled only for Premium Licenses. You could import your website into Nicepage Desktop and export your project as HTML in Free Starter Plan.
You can download Nicepage Desktop here:

You can delete your website from Nicepage Online Builder in the Free version to create a new project.
Or you can make your website directly in Nicepage Desktop in this case you can directly export your website as HTML.

To delete your website please select your project

enter image description here

After that select a Delete option
enter image description here

Negat Veri
Nicepage Support Team

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Hello Please note that you can export your website as a Project and create other websites easely in Nicepage Online Builder, but other types of export are enabled only for Premium Licenses. You could import your website into Nicepage Desktop and export your project as HTML in Free Starter Plan. You can download Nicepage Desktop here: You can delete your website from Nicepage Online Builder in the Free version to create a new project. Or you can make your website directly in Nicepage Desktop in this case you can directly export your website as HTML. To delete your website please select your project ![enter image description here][1] After that select a Delete option ![enter image description here][2] ................................................... Sincerely, Negat Veri Nicepage Support Team Please subscribe to our YouTube channel: Follow us on Facebook: [1]: [2]:

Last edited 10 August 2021 by Support Team

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