arabic Bulleted List

67 Posts
sukhonomar posted this 08 August 2021
Report a bug

As there is no support for dual languages on Nicepage, I always make two websites in static HTML, today I faced a small bug, I think it can be fixed in the next version.

When I use the bulleted list in Arabic the bullet is always on the left, and as you know Arabic is written from right to left so the bullets should be on the right when I change the text orientation, but the bullet is fixed on the left.

please check this example

- List 1
- List 2
- List 3

• قائمة 1
• قائمة 2
• قائمة 3

But it should look like the attached screenshot

As there is no support for dual languages on Nicepage, I always make two websites in static HTML, today I faced a small bug, I think it can be fixed in the next version. When I use the bulleted list in Arabic the bullet is always on the left, and as you know Arabic is written from right to left so the bullets should be on the right when I change the text orientation, but the bullet is fixed on the left. please check this example English - List 1 - List 2 - List 3 Arabic • قائمة 1 • قائمة 2 • قائمة 3 But it should look like the attached screenshot
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115 Posts
MEKKITEL posted this 08 August 2021

لا تتعب نفسك يا سيدي مع هذا البرنامج على الرغم أنه ممتاز من ناحية تصميم المواقع، لكن للأسف منذ صدوره عام 2018 و نحن نطالب بإدراج خاصية (من اليمين إلى اليسار) دون جدوى
Not support RTL

سلام لا تتعب نفسك يا سيدي مع هذا البرنامج على الرغم أنه ممتاز من ناحية تصميم المواقع، لكن للأسف منذ صدوره عام 2018 و نحن نطالب بإدراج خاصية (من اليمين إلى اليسار) دون جدوى Not support RTL
Support Team
Support Team posted this 09 August 2021

Hello Omar,

As for now, Nicepage does not support RTL, but it is on our wishlist.

Your patience and understanding are highly appriiciated.
Nicepage Support Team

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Hello Omar, As for now, Nicepage does not support RTL, but it is on our wishlist. Your patience and understanding are highly appriiciated. ................................................... Sincerely, Lilioneta Nicepage Support Team Please subscribe to our YouTube channel: Follow us on Facebook:
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