nicepage 3.2 --> link to "what's new" online page ? :)"> nicepage 3.2 --> link to "what's new" online page ? :)">


78 Posts
nerviroberto posted this 05 August 2021
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why dont put for the desktop version
"?" menu --> nicepage 3.2 --> link to "what's new" online page ?

why dont put for the desktop version "?" menu --> nicepage 3.2 --> link to "what's new" online page ? :)
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Support Team posted this 05 August 2021

Hello Nervi,
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Hello Nervi, Thank you for being our customer! We appreciate your suggestion and we will add it to our wishlist. ................................................... Sincerely, Lilioneta Nicepage Support Team Please subscribe to our YouTube channel: Follow us on Facebook:
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