Save a project

13 Posts
pauljptlo2002 posted this 01 August 2021
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How do i save my project to a folder so i can work on another project ?

How do i save my project to a folder so i can work on another project ?
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6 Replies
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2769 Posts
MerlinAZ posted this 01 August 2021

When you select Export, are you given Project as an option?

When you select Export, are you given Project as an option?
115 Posts
MEKKITEL posted this 01 August 2021

See attached.


Hi. See attached.!Save-a-project.png!
13 Posts
pauljptlo2002 posted this 01 August 2021

See attached.

I notice " Image" is not a premium service, if i select this option will i be able to go back and edit my work. I just don't want to pay for a premium service at this time. What does Image do in terms of a save function? will i be able to work on other projects as a non premium member.

> Hi. > See attached.![]( I notice " Image" is not a premium service, if i select this option will i be able to go back and edit my work. I just don't want to pay for a premium service at this time. What does Image do in terms of a save function? will i be able to work on other projects as a non premium member.
2769 Posts
MerlinAZ posted this 01 August 2021

If you are using the desktop version, choose Project and press the Export button twice.

If you are using the desktop version, choose Project and press the Export button twice.
13 Posts
pauljptlo2002 posted this 01 August 2021

Thanks, what about laptop version. i am currently using a laptop.. >

Thanks, what about laptop version. i am currently using a laptop.. >
2769 Posts
MerlinAZ posted this 01 August 2021


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