No right Click protection on website

9 Posts
info2networks posted this 14 July 2021
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I need No right Click protection on website like attachment of wordpress plugin

where user cant download my images and also not copy my content....

how it possible

I need No right Click protection on website like attachment of wordpress plugin where user cant download my images and also not copy my content.... how it possible
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Support Team
Support Team posted this 14 July 2021


Thanks for contacting us

Unfortunately, Nicepage doesn't provide such functionality. But you can check some other WordPress third-party plugins that may be helpful for you.

Here's the link that some of them are listed.

Thank you.
Ahmad M.
Nicepage Support Team

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Hi, Thanks for contacting us Unfortunately, Nicepage doesn't provide such functionality. But you can check some other WordPress third-party plugins that may be helpful for you. Here's the link that some of them are listed. Thank you. ................................................... Sincerely, Ahmad M. Nicepage Support Team Please subscribe to our YouTube channel: Follow us on Facebook:
2769 Posts
MerlinAZ posted this 14 July 2021

With the ability to screenshot, there is no way to protect your content.
You might be able to slow it down slightly, but not really affect it unfortunately.

With the ability to screenshot, there is no way to protect your content. You might be able to slow it down slightly, but not really affect it unfortunately.
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