can we import HTML templates to wordpress pages

1 Posts
kdc188k posted this 01 July 2021
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Dear Team,

kindly note that am wondering if, can we import HTML template pages provided by our customers to wordpress pages and create the pages using wordpress.
as i have tried after it requested to imported pages with zip files there was error showing.

appreciate your quick answer and gaudiness before we purchase the premium.

Dear Team, kindly note that am wondering if, can we import HTML template pages provided by our customers to wordpress pages and create the pages using wordpress. as i have tried after it requested to imported pages with zip files there was error showing. appreciate your quick answer and gaudiness before we purchase the premium.
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Support Team
Support Team posted this 01 July 2021


Thanks for contacting us

Unfortunately, there's no way to import HTML templates to WordPress. But on Nicepage, you can design the same website. After that, you can export it again into HTML or as a WordPress Theme or as the whole WordPress website, including Blog Templates, Post Templates, Product templates, etc.

We can see from your profile that you directly start from the WordPress plugin. In that case, we would advise you to try our Desktop App and try the premium features that we are offering.

Please note: During the first 7-days after your email registration, you have all available premium features. After that, Nicepage connects for you the Free Starter Plan.

Thank you.
Ahmad M.
Nicepage Support Team

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Hi, Thanks for contacting us Unfortunately, there's no way to import HTML templates to WordPress. But on Nicepage, you can design the same website. After that, you can export it again into HTML or as a WordPress Theme or as the whole WordPress website, including Blog Templates, Post Templates, Product templates, etc. We can see from your profile that you directly start from the WordPress plugin. In that case, we would advise you to try our Desktop App and try the premium features that we are offering. **Please note:** During the first 7-days after your email registration, you have all available premium features. After that, Nicepage connects for you the *Free Starter Plan.* Thank you. ................................................... Sincerely, Ahmad M. Nicepage Support Team Please subscribe to our YouTube channel: Follow us on Facebook:
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