Upload my website

1 Posts
elias07w.wallgren posted this 20 June 2021
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How can i upload my website so everyone can go in to my website. If they search on google for my website
PLS help

How can i upload my website so everyone can go in to my website. If they search on google for my website PLS help
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MerlinAZ posted this 20 June 2021

Are you using the desktop version with your own host, or the hosted version of Nicepage?
You will also need to get your own domain.
Put the most common search words and terms inside the SEO box.

Are you using the desktop version with your own host, or the hosted version of Nicepage? You will also need to get your own domain. Put the most common search words and terms inside the SEO box.

Last edited 20 June 2021 by MerlinAZ

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