Fixed page header settings

12 Posts
hatsumelo_tw5 posted this 06 June 2021
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I want to change individual settings such as the color of the header of a fixed page and the fixing of the header. However, if you change settings such as color on one page, the headers of other pages will also be changed in tandem.

I want to change individual settings such as the color of the header of a fixed page and the fixing of the header. However, if you change settings such as color on one page, the headers of other pages will also be changed in tandem.
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2701 Posts
MerlinAZ posted this 06 June 2021

Yes. The header affects all pages.
If you want a different color on another page for example, you could add a rectangle with a different color and place it behind the menu.

Yes. The header affects all pages. If you want a different color on another page for example, you could add a rectangle with a different color and place it behind the menu.
Support Team
Support Team posted this 07 June 2021

Hi, 星野,

On Nicepage, one Header is the same for all pages on a website. It cannot be changed on a single page. However, you can try using the "Header over Block" option. This option makes your Header transparent, and you can design the first Block which is under the Header.

enter image description here

Paul C.
Nicepage Support Team

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Hi, 星野, On Nicepage, one Header is the same for all pages on a website. It cannot be changed on a single page. However, you can try using the "Header over Block" option. This option makes your Header transparent, and you can design the first Block which is under the Header. ![enter image description here][1] ................................................... Sincerely, Paul C. Nicepage Support Team Please subscribe to our YouTube channel: Follow us on Facebook: [1]:
12 Posts
hatsumelo_tw5 posted this 09 June 2021

I understand how to say it. However, I want you to be able to set the header more flexibly. For example, you can change the text color and background color only for the sticky header when scrolling, and you can change the display / non-display of the header for each device.

Contrary to the main subject, I tried to fix images etc. when scrolling using the "Sticky Menu, Sticky Header (or anything!) On Scroll" plug-in, but it didn't work. Can't this be used? ??

Hello. I understand how to say it. However, I want you to be able to set the header more flexibly. For example, you can change the text color and background color only for the sticky header when scrolling, and you can change the display / non-display of the header for each device. Contrary to the main subject, I tried to fix images etc. when scrolling using the "Sticky Menu, Sticky Header (or anything!) On Scroll" plug-in, but it didn't work. Can't this be used? ??
Support Team
Support Team posted this 09 June 2021


We'll consider your suggestion for our wishlist.

Nicepage Support Team

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Hi, We'll consider your suggestion for our wishlist. ................................................... Sincerely, Hella Nicepage Support Team Please subscribe to our YouTube channel: Follow us on Facebook:
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