How to download project from Wordpress dashboard

Jan Raszka
1 Posts
Jan Raszka posted this 22 April 2021
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I have an question. Simply, I was created my website project in Nicepage application on my laptop, downloaded in ZIP folder like project (based on Wordpress) and then uploaded on website through Wordpress Dashboard.


I was doing some quick changes "online" on my pages through plugin Nicepage "Edit with Nicepage" and I don't know how to download this updated project in ZIP folder and paste to my (offline) Nicepage application in my computer. For understanding, now I have two version of my website project: first - updated project, which is online and second - not updated project, which is in my NP application on my laptop.

Could you help me or send me instructions, how to do it or does it exist some another steps, how to keep two updated version online and offline (in my application).

If you don't understand, please write me, and I'm trying to describe my problem again and better.

Hi, I have an question. Simply, I was created my website project in Nicepage application on my laptop, downloaded in ZIP folder like project (based on Wordpress) and then uploaded on website through Wordpress Dashboard. **But** I was doing some quick changes "online" on my pages through plugin Nicepage "Edit with Nicepage" and I don't know how to download this updated project in ZIP folder and paste to my (offline) Nicepage application in my computer. For understanding, now I have two version of my website project: **first** - updated project, which is online and **second** - not updated project, which is in my NP application on my laptop. Could you help me or send me instructions, how to do it or does it exist some another steps, how to keep two updated version online and offline (in my application). If you don't understand, please write me, and I'm trying to describe my problem again and better.
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Support Team
Support Team posted this 22 April 2021

Hi Jolana,

Thanks for contacting us

We were able to understand you clearly.
Unfortunately, in Nicepage there's no way from WordPress export the project back to Nicepage Desktop App.
Ahmad M.
Nicepage Support Team

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Hi Jolana, Thanks for contacting us We were able to understand you clearly. Unfortunately, in Nicepage there's no way from WordPress export the project back to Nicepage Desktop App. ................................................... Sincerely, Ahmad M. Nicepage Support Team Please subscribe to our YouTube channel: Follow us on Facebook:
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