Menu, colors

7 Posts
hcamusso3 posted this 20 April 2021
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Hola, quería saber si puedo diseñar un menú donde cada opción tenga un color de fondo como muestro en la siguiente maqueta? He intentado pero me deja todas las opciones en el mismo color. (JOOMLA)

Hello, I wanted to know if I can design a menu where each option has a background color as I show in the following mockup? I have tried but it leaves me all the options in the same color.(JOOMLA)

Hola, quería saber si puedo diseñar un menú donde cada opción tenga un color de fondo como muestro en la siguiente maqueta? He intentado pero me deja todas las opciones en el mismo color. (JOOMLA) Hello, I wanted to know if I can design a menu where each option has a background color as I show in the following mockup? I have tried but it leaves me all the options in the same color.(JOOMLA) ![maqueta][1] [1]:
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4 Replies
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Support Team
Support Team posted this 21 April 2021

Hello Hernán,

Unfortunately, with Nicepage you can apply only the same background color to all menu items.

Negat Veri
Nicepage Support Team

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Hello Hernán, Unfortunately, with Nicepage you can apply only the same background color to all menu items. ................................................... Sincerely, Negat Veri Nicepage Support Team Please subscribe to our YouTube channel: Follow us on Facebook:
7 Posts
hcamusso3 posted this 21 April 2021

Hay alguna alternativa? alguien tiene algún camino?

Is there an alternative? does anyone have a path?

Hay alguna alternativa? alguien tiene algún camino? Is there an alternative? does anyone have a path?
Support Team
Support Team posted this 21 April 2021

Hi Hernán,

You can add a unique CSS class for each menu item. Because we don't provide specific codes, CSS knowledge is needed in this case.
If you decided to try, you add CSS class by clicking on the menu > you'll find CSS class on the side panel.


Nicepage Support Team

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Hi Hernán, You can add a unique CSS class for each menu item. Because we don't provide specific codes, CSS knowledge is needed in this case. If you decided to try, you add CSS class by clicking on the menu > you'll find **CSS class** on the side panel. !css-class.png! ................................................... Sincerely, Lilioneta Nicepage Support Team Please subscribe to our YouTube channel: Follow us on Facebook:
7 Posts
hcamusso3 posted this 05 May 2021

Ok, Thnaks!!!

Ok, Thnaks!!!
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