After creating a "thank you page, the "blog" page is showing different outside nicepage and wordpress.

7 Posts
filip.zivotic posted this 14 April 2021
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Hi we have created the website blog to look like the file in the attachment.
Since today the blog page looks like this when opened

When we try to access the page through nicepage, the blog page looks normal as in the attachment.
Can you tell us what is happening and how to resolve this problem?

Hi we have created the website blog to look like the file in the attachment. Since today the blog page looks like this when opened When we try to access the page through nicepage, the blog page looks normal as in the attachment. Can you tell us what is happening and how to resolve this problem?
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Support Team
Support Team posted this 14 April 2021


Could we ask did you update your Nicepage Desktop and Nicepage plugin?
As far as I can see you use different versions on WordPress and Nicepage Desktop.

Please upgrade both of them, after that if the problem still appears, please re-save your Theme in the updated Nisepage Desktop and install the re-saved Theme on your WordPress.
Negat Veri
Nicepage Support Team

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Hello, Could we ask did you update your Nicepage Desktop and Nicepage plugin? As far as I can see you use different versions on WordPress and Nicepage Desktop. Please upgrade both of them, after that if the problem still appears, please re-save your Theme in the updated Nisepage Desktop and install the re-saved Theme on your WordPress. ................................................... Sincerely, Negat Veri Nicepage Support Team Please subscribe to our YouTube channel: Follow us on Facebook:
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