Found a way to move a WP site created with Nicepage to a new site.

61 Posts
ljordan2 posted this 24 November 2018
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One of the issues that has kept me from going all in on Nicepage, was the problem of not being able to move the site after customer makes changes to site with the plugin. The only way that I could see to do it would be to make the corresponding changes to my local copy. But this would make the customer feel locked into me. People do change hosting every once in while and want to move their site. Today I found a solution. I discovered WP Plugin All-in-One WP Migration. I used this plugin to export a nicepage word press site as a file. I then went another site and with same plugin installed All-in-One WP Migration I was able to import the file that I had exported. And it all worked perfectly. What this means is that you can develop site with desktop, upload to WordPress test site, using the Nicepage plugin work with your customer to finish develop the site as what they want and then export using All-in-One WP Migration and import to the final site also using All-in-One WP Migration.

One of the issues that has kept me from going all in on Nicepage, was the problem of not being able to move the site after customer makes changes to site with the plugin. The only way that I could see to do it would be to make the corresponding changes to my local copy. But this would make the customer feel locked into me. People do change hosting every once in while and want to move their site. Today I found a solution. I discovered WP Plugin All-in-One WP Migration. I used this plugin to export a nicepage word press site as a file. I then went another site and with same plugin installed All-in-One WP Migration I was able to import the file that I had exported. And it all worked perfectly. What this means is that you can develop site with desktop, upload to WordPress test site, using the Nicepage plugin work with your customer to finish develop the site as what they want and then export using All-in-One WP Migration and import to the final site also using All-in-One WP Migration.
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Support Team
Support Team posted this 26 November 2018


Thank you for sharing this information with our community! This should be helpful to other customers.

Nicepage Support Team

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Hi, Thank you for sharing this information with our community! This should be helpful to other customers. ................................................... Sincerely, Olivia Nicepage Support Team Please subscribe our YouTube channel: Follow us on Facebook:
61 Posts
ljordan2 posted this 26 November 2018

I would like to caution anyone who uses this, is that it completely replaces themes plugins etc on the target site with what you are moving. It is not a case of simply adding a new theme to an existing site.

I would like to caution anyone who uses this, is that it completely replaces themes plugins etc on the target site with what you are moving. It is not a case of simply adding a new theme to an existing site.
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