problem that i found when i use your website

2 Posts
janewangshan33 posted this 25 March 2021
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hi, there! i am using your website to attempt to build a web page, but i found that i could not move any element when editing. for example, I add a text element, but i would like to move this element a bit upward to make sure my content to look more dense, it doesn't allow me to do that???

hi, there! i am using your website to attempt to build a web page, but i found that i could not move any element when editing. for example, I add a text element, but i would like to move this element a bit upward to make sure my content to look more dense, it doesn't allow me to do that???
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2 Posts
janewangshan33 posted this 25 March 2021

and also, because i am editing on the webpage instead of using other app, i noticed that it's pretty slow for editing and it wasn't user-friendly like what i expected.

and also, because i am editing on the webpage instead of using other app, i noticed that it's pretty slow for editing and it wasn't user-friendly like what i expected.
Support Team
Support Team posted this 26 March 2021


Please specify what exact element cannot be moved. Does the issue happen with any element or with a specific one? To reproduce the problem we would need an access to your site backend and several screenshots showing the issue.
As for the slow performance on the site, please also point on what exact operation is slow and how long does it take.

Nicepage Support Team

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Hi SHAN, Please specify what exact element cannot be moved. Does the issue happen with any element or with a specific one? To reproduce the problem we would need an access to your site backend and several screenshots showing the issue. As for the slow performance on the site, please also point on what exact operation is slow and how long does it take. ................................................... Sincerely, Hella Nicepage Support Team Please subscribe to our YouTube channel: Follow us on Facebook:
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