8 Posts
mobile21 posted this 24 March 2021
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I am trying to set up tabs and I want the same format for each tab. Picture and text. Is there a way to copy or duplicate the information from one tab to another. Copy only allows me to copy one field at a time and then I have to set all spacings and layouts over for each tab. I tried duplicating a tab this worked until I open the tab and it has actually duplicated the information twice and it is also twice in the original tab.

Any assistance would be greatly apricated. I am lookin to have 6 0r 8 tabs in a block.

I am trying to set up tabs and I want the same format for each tab. Picture and text. Is there a way to copy or duplicate the information from one tab to another. Copy only allows me to copy one field at a time and then I have to set all spacings and layouts over for each tab. I tried duplicating a tab this worked until I open the tab and it has actually duplicated the information twice and it is also twice in the original tab. Any assistance would be greatly apricated. I am lookin to have 6 0r 8 tabs in a block.
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Support Team
Support Team posted this 24 March 2021

Hi, Andy,

Thanks for using Nicepage! The issue of duplicating a tab is a bug. We have checked this issue on our side and we have got the same problem. This issue will be fixed in Nicepage 3.11 version (will be released soon).
Pavel C.
Nicepage Support Team

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Hi, Andy, Thanks for using Nicepage! The issue of duplicating a tab is a bug. We have checked this issue on our side and we have got the same problem. This issue will be fixed in Nicepage 3.11 version (will be released soon). ................................................... Sincerely, Pavel C. Nicepage Support Team Please subscribe to our YouTube channel: Follow us on Facebook:
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