File Sync between Developers

3 Posts
falko.urban posted this 02 March 2021
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i have two developing machines (Windows Computer) on different locations.

What i want to do is to put the "Nicepage" folder in a cloud based directory like Google Drive or Adobe Creative Cloud (local installation on every machine).

how i can define one and the same synced Nicepage content for my two Windows Computer?

Computer 1 <> Google Drive Local Folder < sync> Google Cloud < sync> Google Drive Local Folder <> Computer 2

greetings falko

Hi, i have two developing machines (Windows Computer) on different locations. What i want to do is to put the "Nicepage" folder in a cloud based directory like Google Drive or Adobe Creative Cloud (local installation on every machine). how i can define one and the same synced Nicepage content for my two Windows Computer? Computer 1 &lt;&gt; Google Drive Local Folder &lt; sync&gt; Google Cloud &lt; sync&gt; Google Drive Local Folder &lt;&gt; Computer 2 greetings falko
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Support Team
Support Team posted this 02 March 2021

Hi, Falko,
Thanks for using Nicepage!

The path to the Nicepage projects folder is specified under the 'Preferences' >> 'Project folder' in the Desktop application. You can share this folder between two computers, for example, using Dropbox or GIT.
But in this case, it's hard to guarantee stable simultaneous work because Nicepage needs constant access to that folder.

Please feel free to contact us if you have new questions!

Nicepage Support Team

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Hi, Falko, Thanks for using Nicepage! The path to the Nicepage projects folder is specified under the 'Preferences' >> 'Project folder' in the Desktop application. You can share this folder between two computers, for example, using Dropbox or GIT. But in this case, it's hard to guarantee stable simultaneous work because Nicepage needs constant access to that folder. Please feel free to contact us if you have new questions! ................................................... Sincerely, Sahin Nicepage Support Team Please subscribe to our YouTube channel: Follow us on Facebook:

Last edited 03 March 2021 by Support Team

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