
1 Posts
alan2932 posted this 24 February 2021
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i updated nicepage and now my home page will not load. it says an error occurred. reload nicepage, tried several times, i updated windows, tried again. restarted computer still no load

what next?

i updated nicepage and now my home page will not load. it says an error occurred. reload nicepage, tried several times, i updated windows, tried again. restarted computer still no load what next?
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Support Team
Support Team posted this 25 February 2021

Hi, Alan,
Thanks for using Nicepage!

Could you send here a screenshot of that error?
Does this issue occur on the desktop or online version of Nicepage?
Nicepage Support Team

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Hi, Alan, Thanks for using Nicepage! Could you send here a screenshot of that error? Does this issue occur on the desktop or online version of Nicepage? ................................................... Sincerely, Sahin Nicepage Support Team Please subscribe to our YouTube channel: Follow us on Facebook:
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