Please I need help

3 Posts
info35172 posted this 20 February 2021
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please i need help on how to use Shopping cart template and shopping cart list , how does it really work,

Please kindly assist me to put me through


please i need help on how to use Shopping cart template and shopping cart list , how does it really work, Please kindly assist me to put me through Thanks
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Support Team
Support Team posted this 20 February 2021


  1. Open WP or Joomla
  2. Install wooCommerce or VirtueMart


  1. Install the Nicepage App
  2. Design Pages
  3. Open the Theme Menu to modify Product Templates
    • Product List
    • Product Details
    • Product Shopping Cart
  4. Export
    • Selecting your CMS
    • Export Pages, Theme, and Product Templates (checkboxes).


  1. Go to wp-admin or Joomla administrator
  2. Go to Appearance -> Themes or Extensions -> Manage -> Install
  3. Install the exported zip with the Theme or Template

Nicepage Plugin or Extension

  1. Go to Pages or Articles
  2. Edit a Page/Articles with Nicepage
  3. Edit the Menu, adding the Store link.


  1. Open WordPress -> Visit Site or
  2. Click the site link in Joomla.

Allen R.
Nicepage Support Team

Please subscribe to our YouTube channel:
Follow us on Facebook:

## Site 1. Open WP or Joomla 2. Install wooCommerce or VirtueMart ## Desktop 1. Install the Nicepage App 2. Design Pages 3. Open the Theme Menu to modify Product Templates - Product List - Product Details - Product Shopping Cart 4. Export - Selecting your CMS - Export Pages, Theme, and Product Templates (checkboxes). ## Site 1. Go to wp-admin or Joomla administrator 2. Go to Appearance -> Themes or Extensions -> Manage -> Install 3. Install the exported zip with the Theme or Template ## Nicepage Plugin or Extension 1. Go to Pages or Articles 2. Edit a Page/Articles with Nicepage 3. Edit the Menu, adding the Store link. ## Preview 1. Open WordPress -> Visit Site or 2. Click the site link in Joomla. ................................................... Sincerely, Allen R. Nicepage Support Team Please subscribe to our YouTube channel: Follow us on Facebook:
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