Cambio colore nel tema

8 Posts
marcomariani967 posted this 03 February 2021
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Salve, perchè se voglio cambiare colore a un tema non lo permette?
mi chiede un piano premium....
in allegato le immagini con la licenza.

Salve, perchè se voglio cambiare colore a un tema non lo permette? mi chiede un piano premium.... in allegato le immagini con la licenza.
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Support Team
Support Team posted this 03 February 2021

Hi Marco,

As you can see in the pricing table on this page, Full design customization (900+ Google Fonts, Custom Font Sizes, Custom Color) is a premium feature and availible for Business and higher license Editions.

The Personal license includes only the Popular fonts, the predesigned color schemes and 5 custom colors.

Susanna I.
Nicepage Support Team

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Hi Marco, As you can see in the pricing table on this page, *Full design customization (900+ Google Fonts, Custom Font Sizes, Custom Color)* is a premium feature and availible for Business and higher license Editions. The Personal license includes *only* the Popular fonts, the predesigned color schemes and 5 custom colors. ................................................... Sincerely, Susanna I. Nicepage Support Team Please subscribe to our YouTube channel: Follow us on Facebook:
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