Renewal License

De Poorter David
1 Posts
De Poorter David posted this 09 January 2021
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if I renew my license, can I install the nicepage software on both my windows pc and macbook?
Because I don't really understand what the options are if you have a license!
Where can I install Nicepage and what options can I use?


Hello, if I renew my license, can I install the nicepage software on both my windows pc and macbook? Because I don't really understand what the options are if you have a license! Where can I install Nicepage and what options can I use? thx
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MerlinAZ posted this 09 January 2021

If desktop version.
Yes, 2 computers, can only use one at a time, but there is no direct connection between them.
You will need to save the project file and import it into the other computer to use it.

If desktop version. Yes, 2 computers, can only use one at a time, but there is no direct connection between them. You will need to save the project file and import it into the other computer to use it.

Last edited 09 January 2021 by MerlinAZ

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