Uploding created theme error

2 Posts
ignazio.sorcaburu posted this 28 October 2020
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I've unistalled my previous wordpress insatllation, so I reinstalled all, I tried to upload the theme created with the nicepage windows app, and wordpress said me the link is not valid.

can you help me?

Hi, I've unistalled my previous wordpress insatllation, so I reinstalled all, I tried to upload the theme created with the nicepage windows app, and wordpress said me the link is not valid. can you help me?
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Support Team
Support Team posted this 28 October 2020


Please make sure that you are
1) exporting both theme and pages
2) installing the theme at Appearance -> Theme

Allen R.
Nicepage Support Team

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Ignacio, Please make sure that you are 1) exporting both theme and pages 2) installing the theme at Appearance -> Theme https://nicepage.com/doc/66707/installation-of-wordpress-theme-and-pages ................................................... Sincerely, Allen R. Nicepage Support Team Please subscribe to our YouTube channel: http://youtube.com/nicepage?sub_confirmation=1 Follow us on Facebook: http://facebook.com/nicepageapp
2 Posts
ignazio.sorcaburu posted this 29 October 2020

Tx everything solved.

Tx everything solved.
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