invalid nicepage zip file

3 Posts
dkappa568 posted this 20 October 2020
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when i try to upload my web site online it gives me this error "invalid nicepage zip file"
can anyone help me

when i try to upload my web site online it gives me this error "invalid nicepage zip file" can anyone help me
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Support Team
Support Team posted this 21 October 2020


If you export your site as HTML from the Desktop app and try to import this file to the Online Editor, please note, you should export your site as a Project from the Desktop, then you will able to import it to the Online Editor.

If you mean something different, please explain in more details what exactly you try to do.

Susanna I.
Nicepage Support Team

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Hi KAPPA, If you export your site as HTML from the Desktop app and try to import this file to the Online Editor, please note, you should export your site *as a Project* from the Desktop, then you will able to import it to the Online Editor. If you mean something different, please explain in more details what exactly you try to do. ................................................... Sincerely, Susanna I. Nicepage Support Team Please subscribe to our YouTube channel: Follow us on Facebook:
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