How do you avoid getting duplicate images in wordpress after importing theme

63 Posts
Pianoman posted this 12 October 2020
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How do you avoid getting duplicate images in wordpress after importing theme.. Because you can't remove them by selecting "Not liked" in the Media Library.. You 'll remove used pictures also..

How do you avoid getting duplicate images in wordpress after importing theme.. Because you can't remove them by selecting "Not liked" in the Media Library.. You 'll remove used pictures also..
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Support Team
Support Team posted this 13 October 2020


Nicepage imports the images added to the project. Do you mean that you already have the same images uploaded to the WP Media Library? Unfortunately, Nicepage does not know anything about these images and cannot synchronize project images and WP images.

Nicepage Support Team

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Hi, Nicepage imports the images added to the project. Do you mean that you already have the same images uploaded to the WP Media Library? Unfortunately, Nicepage does not know anything about these images and cannot synchronize project images and WP images. ................................................... Sincerely, Olivia Nicepage Support Team Please subscribe to our YouTube channel: Follow us on Facebook:
118 Posts
jack.from.canada posted this 10 May 2021

I realize I'm late to the party on supplying an answer here, but I had a similar problem and found a solution that works for me.

A bit of background is necessary. I originally created a website for a client, but subsequent to that, the client supplied his own blog content.

Because my work with Nicepage had been done under my own wordpress userid and the other content was added by my clients, any time I need to update the basic website (i.e. the content I created), I go to the media library and use the "Mine" filter to find only the images I loaded onto the site (through Nicepage). I then bulk-delete those images only, leaving behind any images that had been uploaded by the client. When I then upload my changed project, I select the option to load content from the project and replace old content.

This results in my original images being reloaded into the media library, while leaving the client's images intact.

Of course, if the client had created any content that linked to those original images, then those links to media files would be broken, but in my case, they do not do that.

I realize I'm late to the party on supplying an answer here, but I had a similar problem and found a solution that works for me. A bit of background is necessary. I originally created a website for a client, but subsequent to that, the client supplied his own blog content. Because my work with Nicepage had been done under my own wordpress userid and the other content was added by my clients, any time I need to update the basic website (i.e. the content I created), I go to the media library and use the "Mine" filter to find only the images I loaded onto the site (through Nicepage). I then bulk-delete those images only, leaving behind any images that had been uploaded by the client. When I then upload my changed project, I select the option to load content from the project and replace old content. This results in my original images being reloaded into the media library, while leaving the client's images intact. Of course, if the client had created any content that linked to those original images, then those links to media files would be broken, but in my case, they do not do that.
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