Hi Nicepage Team!
I'm currently developing several consent forms that will contain personal (and particularly sensitive!) information. As I'm using Nicepage forms, I've got the option to store that information into Leads, hosted on your website. Considering the sensitivity of that data, I need to be sure that all data stored on your servers is secure, completely encrypted and can only be accessed by me or authorized by me only, including any unapproved access for nicepage staff, maintenance or any other third party.
If not, is there a way to have the form store that data encrypted in the database of a secure folder on my server?
Hi Nicepage Team! I'm currently developing several consent forms that will contain personal (and particularly sensitive!) information. As I'm using Nicepage forms, I've got the option to store that information into Leads, hosted on your website. Considering the sensitivity of that data, I need to be sure that all data stored on your servers is secure, completely encrypted and can only be accessed by me or authorized by me only, including any unapproved access for nicepage staff, maintenance or any other third party. If not, is there a way to have the form store that data encrypted in the database of a secure folder on my server?