Dear Nicepage Community,

We would like to ask our interested community members to help us with translating Nicepage.

We are looking for the users who can help us with the following language localizations:

DE - German,
NL - Dutch
FR - French
IT - Italian
ES - Spanish
PL - Polish
CZ - Czech
PT - Portuguese

This work is rewarded, and the details are discussed privately. If you're interested, please contact us.

Nicepage Team

Dear Nicepage Community, We would like to ask our interested community members to help us with translating Nicepage. We are looking for the users who can help us with the following language localizations: DE - German, NL - Dutch FR - French IT - Italian ES - Spanish PL - Polish CZ - Czech PT - Portuguese This work is rewarded, and the details are discussed privately. If you're interested, please [contact us][1]. Sincerely, Nicepage Team [1]:

Last edited 02 June 2022 by Support Team