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Come ripristinare le proporzioni di immagini e sfondi di immagini

Possono le immagini cambiare le loro proporzioni durante il processo creativo ingrandendole e adattandole durante la creazione di una pagina web. Pertanto, puoi ripristinare le proporzioni rispetto all'originale facendo clic sull'icona nella barra degli strumenti contestuale. Fare clic sull'elemento Immagine, Riquadro o Cella della griglia, quindi fare clic sull'icona Ripristina proporzioni.

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How To Reset Proportions The Aspect Ratio Of Images And Image Backgrounds?

During your site customization process, you will change the height and width of any image or a background image on your project. However, sometimes you may make mistakes or changes you wish to undo. For this purpose, we integrated a quick button that will reset any image size on your site. Click on the image element or the element that contains the image inside, and on the Context Toolbar above this element, you will find the Reset Proportions icon in the form of a backflip arrow. Clicking on this icon will automatically return image settings to their expected value.

This simple yet effective function will help you apply the same size to all elements that contain images inside and fix the aspect ratio if there are inconsistencies. It may also become a quick way to use the same size for new and present elements. The same width and height can improve your site, making it a monolith structure. Even free templates of the same length and width can give you new solutions to your design. The re-size of the image can either improve or degrade the style you are currently using.

Using one width as a standard for your pages is an easy way of resolving the issue of how to deal with different screen sizes. Experimenting with other ideas can stimulate a new solution to any problem. You may ask yourself, how do I need to change the size to ensure potential visitors are attracted to your project? If you need help with the different image size ideas, you can always check the top free websites and take their size ideas as an example or build up a different image size for your future projects.