What's New In This Update?
- Form: PHP Script for WordPress and Joomla
- Form: From Field
- Form: Improved Panel
- Google Fonts: 900+
- Scrollbars: Improved Visibility
- Icon: Resize
- and more
Watch Video
Contact Form
PHP Script for WordPress and Joomla
We have added the support for the PHP script in WordPress and Joomla per multiple user requests.
Contact From Field
We have added the Contact Form field, as many users had problems with the Form Submit without it.
Contact Form Side Panel
We have improved the Contact Form Side Panel, as there were problems with finding how to add new Form Fields. We have simplified the Form dragging and dropping and Form Deletion.
User Interface
Improved Scrollbars
We have improved the visibility and selection of the Scrollbars. Now you can click on the Scrollbars easier.
Icon Resize
We have changed the behavior while resizing an Icon. Now the spacing is changed proportionally.
900+ Google Fonts
We have renewed the list of the Google Fonts, increasing the number of available fonts from 600 to over 900.
Fixed Issues
- Tutorial Start
- Blank Page in WordPress
- Incorrect work of White Label in Joomla
- Default cookie value
- Wrong binding of widget and control
- Exceeded quota
- Image resource change
- Sidebar Spacing
- Content import in Joomla
- Editor performance
- Google Map Point
- Adding Blocks before and after
- Scroll Bug
- Template List
- Hyperlink Color saving
- Block Hight in Responsive
- Blocks with overlapping in Responsive
- Other minor problems
New Block Designs
We have added about 100 new block designs since the last update.
New Page Templates
We have added new page templates with this update.
## What's New In This Update? - Form: PHP Script for WordPress and Joomla - Form: From Field - Form: Improved Panel - Google Fonts: 900+ - Scrollbars: Improved Visibility - Icon: Resize - and more ## Watch Video <div class="video-container"><iframe width="885" height="500" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/tq0rdbjzqxA?rel=0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe></div> # [Contact Form](page:98378) ## PHP Script for WordPress and Joomla We have added the support for the PHP script in WordPress and Joomla per multiple user requests. !release-form-script.png! ## Contact From Field We have added the [Contact Form](page:98378) field, as many users had problems with the Form Submit without it. !release-from-field.png! ## Contact Form Side Panel We have improved the [Contact Form](page:98378) Side Panel, as there were problems with finding how to add new Form Fields. We have simplified the Form dragging and dropping and Form Deletion. !release-form-operations.png! ## User Interface ### Improved Scrollbars We have improved the visibility and selection of the Scrollbars. Now you can click on the Scrollbars easier. !release-scroll.png! ## Icon Resize We have changed the behavior while resizing an Icon. Now the spacing is changed proportionally. !release-icon-resize.png! ## 900+ Google Fonts We have renewed the list of the Google Fonts, increasing the number of available fonts from 600 to over 900. !release-google-fonts.png! ## Fixed Issues - Tutorial Start - Blank Page in WordPress - Incorrect work of White Label in Joomla - Default cookie value - Wrong binding of widget and control - Exceeded quota - Image resource change - Sidebar Spacing - Content import in Joomla - Editor performance - Google Map Point - Adding Blocks before and after - Scroll Bug - Template List - Hyperlink Color saving - Block Hight in Responsive - Blocks with overlapping in Responsive - Other minor problems ## New Block Designs We have added about [100 new block designs](https://nicepage.com/templates?sorter=Newest&search.isblock=true) since the last update. [!new-blocks-29.jpg!](https://nicepage.com/templates?sorter=Newest&search.isblock=true) ## New Page Templates We have added [new page templates](https://nicepage.com/templates?search.isblock=false&page=1) with this update. [!new-templates-29.jpg!](https://nicepage.com/templates?search.isblock=false&page=1) ##