In Nicepage 4.17, we have supported the easy Contact Form submitting to account Email for HTML, WordPress, and Joomla sites. You can modify the Email for Contact Form Submission in the current update.
IMPORTANT! You must connect and confirm the new email address to receive submissions from the Contact Form Element.
If successful, you will see the Verified message in the box under the Email Field.
Form Submitting To Google Sheets In WordPress or Joomla
We have supported the Form Submission to Google Sheets for Contact Forms added to WordPress and Joomla sites.
Header Shadow
You can now enable the Shadow for the Header Block or apply the Shadow Effect for the Sticky Header on Scroll.
Auto-Fit Image Objects
Now, if you add an Image Object on the transparent or white background, it fits automatically as Contain by default.
Previously, such Images had the Cover Fit and had a cut-off look after the placing.
Link Settings Improved
We continue to improve the Link Settings dialog for the Buttons and Hyperlinks. In this update, we have moved the tabs with the Link Options to the left and added the Separator. We also plan to add the Web Address as a separate option in the future.
Easy Access To Cookie Policy Popup
You can now easily access the Cookie Policy Popup in the Add Panel.
You can also easily access and modify the Cookie Policy Popup options from the Site Settings and Property Panel.
Video Lesson: Image Element
We continue the Nicepage Video Lessons, and today's video is about the Image Element. And we have more video lessons to release.
## What's New in This Update?
- Blog In Nicepage Online
- Simplified Custom Domain Assignment
- Custom Email Form Submitting
- Form Submitting To Google Sheets In WordPress or Joomla
- Header Shadow
- Auto-Fit Image Objects
- Link Settings Improved
- Easy Access To Cookie Policy Popup
- Video Lesson: Image Element
- New Block And Page Designs
## Blog In Nicepage Online (Beta)
We have supported the Blog feature in the Nicepage Online Editor.
## Simplified Custom Domain Assignment
You can now test the connection to your custom domain in the Publish Success dialog.
If your domain check is successful, you will see the success message.
Before publishing, you can also check your domain in the Publish and export dialog. The following is an example of an error message.
You can also read [how to assign Custom Domain](page:1293).
## Custom Email Form Submitting
In [Nicepage 4.17](page:295696), we have supported the easy Contact Form submitting to account Email for HTML, WordPress, and Joomla sites. You can modify the Email for Contact Form Submission in the current update.
**IMPORTANT!** You must connect and confirm the new email address to receive submissions from the Contact Form Element.
If successful, you will see the Verified message in the box under the Email Field.
## Form Submitting To Google Sheets In WordPress or Joomla
We have supported the Form Submission to Google Sheets for Contact Forms added to WordPress and Joomla sites.
## Header Shadow
You can now enable the Shadow for the Header Block or apply the Shadow Effect for the Sticky Header on Scroll.
## Auto-Fit Image Objects
Now, if you add an Image Object on the transparent or white background, it fits automatically as Contain by default.
Previously, such Images had the Cover Fit and had a cut-off look after the placing.
## Link Settings Improved
We continue to improve the Link Settings dialog for the Buttons and Hyperlinks. In this update, we have moved the tabs with the Link Options to the left and added the Separator. We also plan to add the Web Address as a separate option in the future.
## Easy Access To Cookie Policy Popup
You can now easily access the Cookie Policy Popup in the Add Panel.
You can also easily access and modify the Cookie Policy Popup options from the Site Settings and Property Panel.
## Video Lesson: Image Element
We continue the Nicepage Video Lessons, and today's video is about the Image Element. And we have more video lessons to release.
<iframe width="600" height="340" src="" title="Video Lesson: Image Element" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Please subscribe to our [YouTube channel]( and [follow us on Facebook]( for video updates.
## Fixed Issues
- Invalid the enabled Lock Proportions property for the Images added from the Nicepage Gallery
- Malfunctioning of the insertion of the large images
- Malfunctioning of the application of the Fit option to the Gallery Images
- Crashing after applying the Hover Animation to the Grid Cell With the Image Background
- Invalid Export As Image for some user projects
- Invalid display of the Blog Page Preview in Chrome
- Invalid Width of the Accept Term of Service Field of the Contact Form Element
- WordPress: Malfunctioning of the Contact Form on some user sites
- Invalid styles while previewing the added image in the Online Editor
- Malfunctioning of the selection in the List Field of the Contact Form Element for the Multi-Language Sites
- Malfunctioning of the selection of the Contact Form Element while clicking on the side pane
- Invalid symbols in the script reference while exporting HTML sites
- Invalid Canonical link in the Online Editor for some user sites
- Malfunctioning publishing the Contact Form with the edited Email Submit in the Online Editor on some user sites
- Invalid publishing of the project containing the Post Title with containing the file extension
- Invalid source links to the images on the Subfolder pages
- Invalid Item proportions breaking the Gallery Element
- Invalid Post Title in the Blog Posts Element after the editing
- Invalid size of Images added from BillionPhotos
- Invalid layout of the Grid Repeater Element in the Responsive Modes after conversion
- Invalid Items of the Multi-Language Menu with Subitems linked to Subfolder Pages
- Invalid preset display for the Menu with Submenu in the Property Panel
- Invalid Field Width after deleting a Label for the Label-Left Layout of the Contact Form Element
- Invalid Header Background Fill on iPhone Safari
- Invalid Label layout for the Horizontal Forms after enabling
- Invalid Contact Form Labels on some user projects
- Malfunctioning of the translation of the Contact Form Elements
- Malfunctioning selection of the Icon Element speed-wise
- WordPress: Invalid error message for the Auto-Save operation in the Editor Plugin
- WordPress: Invalid Tax output in the Checkout Template for some user sites
- WordPress: Invalid Price for the variable Products in the Product List Template
- WordPress: Invalid Quantity while applying the Style Preset on some user sites
- WordPress: Malfunctioning of the Menu while editing on some user sites
- Joomla: Malfunctioning of the added Back To Top button on some user sites
- Joomla: Malfunctioning of the Add Link on the Context Toolbar on some user sites
- Joomla: Malfunctioning of the editing of the Multi-Language Menu Items in the Joomla Extension
- Joomla: Malfunctioning of the export of the Multi-Language Menu from desktop applications
- Joomla: Invalid Header and Footer while exporting a theme for some user sites
- Joomla 4: Malfunctioning of the copying of the Page Settings in the Admin Panel
- Joomla 4: Malfunctioning of the Breadcrumbs on the articles created with Extension
- Joomla 4: Malfunctioning of the Joomla Admin Panel for some user sites
## Block and Page Designs
We have created [new block and page designs]( up to this update.