What's New In This Update?

  • We Are One Million!
  • Multi-Language In WordPress And Joomla Themes
  • Switch Language On Site Templates
  • Translation Of Bulleted List, Numbered List, And Blockquote
  • Translation Of Modal Popups And Cookie Privacy Policy
  • Translation Of Table Element
  • Language Name As In Original
  • Custom Fonts In Online Editor
  • Published Site On Dashboard
  • Hamburger Menu Layout
  • Show Form Submit Option
  • Contact Form's Select Improvements
  • Add Block Slide In Add Panel
  • Add Block Slide In Context Menu
  • Site Backup Before Its Deletion
  • JQuery Version Update For Online Editor
  • New Page And Block Designs

We Are One Million!

Our community has reached one million user accounts.


Multi-Language In WordPress And Joomla Themes

Previously, we added the language translations in the Editor Plugin In WordPress and Joomla. We have supported the Multi-Language in WordPress Themes and Joomla Templates in this update.


Switch Language On Site Templates

We have supported the built-in CMS mechanism of switching the Language in WordPress and Joomla. Now, you can change the Language with the Theme on all pages, including the templates, and not-Nicepage pages, even if you have not installed the Nicepage Editor plugin.

Previously, using the Plugin, you could change the Language only on the Nicepage Pages.

The following example shows the Language switching on the home page, which uses the Blog Posts Template to output the website's posts.


NOTE: To add translations for Templates, we recommend to use the Loco Translate plugin or poEdit application.

Translation Of Bulleted List, Numbered List, And Blockquote

In this update, we have supported the translation of the Bulleted List, Numbered List, And Blockquote.


You can also translate Modal and Cookie Consent Popups on your multi-language sites.


Translation Of Table Element

We have supported the multi-language translation of the Table Element.


Language Name As In Original

We started to show the names of the languages as they are in the original in the Language Element, Property Panel, and Add Language dialog.


Custom Fonts In Online Editor

We have supported the upload of the Custom Fonts in the Nicepage Online Editor.


Published Site On Dashboard

We have changed the indication for the Published websites on the Dashboard of the Desktop Applications. Now we show the message in addition to the icon.


Hamburger Menu Layout

We continue working on the Menu element and have improved the usability of the Hamburger layout. You can now choose and work with it in the Property Panel with one click.


Show Form Submit Option

It is important to see the Contact Form Submit option without switching the panels. We now show the Form Submit Type under the Submit To link in the Property Panel.


Contact Form's Select Improvements

The Contact Form Selection can be of two types. Therefore we have renamed the previous Select to Dropdown and added the List option to the Add Panel.


Add Slide In Add Panel

We have renamed the Full-Width Slider to Block Slider, making it more obvious and different from the Slider Elements added to a Block.

Now, we moved this option closer to the Blocks section in the Add Panel.


Add Block Slide In Context Menu

You can convert your current Block into a Block Slider by choosing the Add Slide option from the Context Menu.


Site Backup Before Deletion

We have improved the backup of your work by creating an automatic copy before deleting a site. And can now always restore the deleted projects from the backup.


JQuery Version Update For Online Editor

We have updated the JQuery version for the Nicepage Online Editor. Now, the Online Editor works faster, and its performance is more stable.


Fixed Issues

  • Lost styles for the Vertical Layouts of the Language Element after deleting or moving tLanguageage in the Property Panel
  • Invalid Button links in the Language translations
  • Malfunctioning of the Language Element added to the Footer
  • Invalid display of the custom icon after the Language layout change
  • Invalid spacing in the Horizontal layout for the language Element
  • Lost Dropdown Caret for the Vertical Layout of the Language Element
  • Invalid CSS file paths for the Multi-Language Sites with folders
  • Incorrect display of the Favicon on the Multi-Language Sites
  • Invalid Width of the Language Element after editing the list
  • Invalid Color 1 for the Text Element on the Multi-Language websites
  • Invalid Hover Color for the Language Element
  • Invalid display of the HTML Element's Code fields after deleting in the Property Panel
  • Invalid Menu Item Active Color if there is page redirection on the server
  • Invalid Icon size added to the Grid Repeater Items in the preview in Chrome
  • Invalid Path for the Form Action Script
  • Malfunctioning of the publishing from the Site Settings
  • Malfunctioning of the Image Upload in the Desktop Applications
  • Malfunctioning of the Slider Animation if animated images are added to a Slide
  • Lost domain name after publishing from the Desktop Applications on some user projects
  • Invalid height of the Hamburger Panel Shading on scrolling
  • Disappearing element after converting images to a Gallery with the Best Practice dialog
  • Invalid export to image for projects with animated elements
  • WordPress: Empty Header on the Post Template if the widget is placed
  • WordPress: Invalid custom font after the import
  • WordPress: Invalid Action URL after the import
  • Joomla: Invalid Article ID after the reimport of the content
  • Joomla: unable to remove the Reviews from the Product Tabs

Block and Page Designs

We have created new block and page designs up to this update.


## What's New In This Update? - We Are One Million! - Multi-Language In WordPress And Joomla Themes - Switch Language On Site Templates - Translation Of Bulleted List, Numbered List, And Blockquote - Translation Of Modal Popups And Cookie Privacy Policy - Translation Of Table Element - Language Name As In Original - Custom Fonts In Online Editor - Published Site On Dashboard - Hamburger Menu Layout - Show Form Submit Option - Contact Form's Select Improvements - Add Block Slide In Add Panel - Add Block Slide In Context Menu - Site Backup Before Its Deletion - JQuery Version Update For Online Editor - New Page And Block Designs ## We Are One Million! Our community has reached one million user accounts. !nicepage-million.jpg! ## Multi-Language In WordPress And Joomla Themes Previously, we added the language translations in the Editor **Plugin** In WordPress and Joomla. We have supported the Multi-Language in WordPress **Themes** and Joomla **Templates** in this update. !multi-language-wordpress-joomla-themes.jpg! ## Switch Language On Site Templates We have supported the built-in CMS mechanism of switching the Language in WordPress and Joomla. Now, you can change the Language with the **Theme** on all pages, including the templates, and not-Nicepage pages, even if you have not installed the Nicepage Editor plugin. Previously, using the **Plugin**, you could change the Language only on the Nicepage Pages. The following example shows the Language switching on the home page, which uses the Blog Posts Template to output the website's posts. !switch-language-site-templates.gif! NOTE: To add translations for **Templates**, we recommend to use the [Loco Translate](page:80831) plugin or [poEdit](page:81700) application. ## Translation Of Bulleted List, Numbered List, And Blockquote In this update, we have supported the translation of the Bulleted List, Numbered List, And Blockquote. !translation-list-quote.gif! ## Translation Of Modal Popups And Cookie Privacy Policy You can also translate Modal and Cookie Consent Popups on your multi-language sites. !translation-popups.gif! ## Translation Of Table Element We have supported the multi-language translation of the Table Element. !translation-table.gif! ## Language Name As In Original We started to show the names of the languages as they are in the original in the Language Element, Property Panel, and Add Language dialog. !language-original.png! ## Custom Fonts In Online Editor We have supported the upload of the Custom Fonts in the Nicepage **Online** Editor. !custom-fonts-online-editor.png! ## Published Site On Dashboard We have changed the indication for the Published websites on the Dashboard of the Desktop Applications. Now we show the message in addition to the icon. !published-site-dashboard.png! ## Hamburger Menu Layout We continue working on the Menu element and have improved the usability of the Hamburger layout. You can now choose and work with it in the Property Panel with one click. !hamburger-menu-layout-option.png! ## Show Form Submit Option It is important to see the Contact Form Submit option without switching the panels. We now show the Form Submit Type under the Submit To link in the Property Panel. !form-submit-option-indication.png! ## Contact Form's Select Improvements The Contact Form Selection can be of two types. Therefore we have renamed the previous Select to **Dropdown** and added the **List** option to the Add Panel. !form-select-options.png! ### Add Slide In Add Panel We have renamed the Full-Width Slider to Block Slider, making it more obvious and different from the Slider Elements added to a Block. Now, we moved this option closer to the Blocks section in the Add Panel. !add-block-slide-add-panel.png! ### Add Block Slide In Context Menu You can convert your current Block into a Block Slider by choosing the Add Slide option from the Context Menu. !add-block-slide-context-menu.png! ## Site Backup Before Deletion We have improved the backup of your work by creating an automatic copy before deleting a site. And can now always restore the deleted projects from the backup. !site-backup-before-delete.png! ## JQuery Version Update For Online Editor We have updated the JQuery version for the Nicepage Online Editor. Now, the Online Editor works faster, and its performance is more stable. !jquery-version-nicepage-editor.png! ## Fixed Issues - Lost styles for the Vertical Layouts of the Language Element after deleting or moving tLanguageage in the Property Panel - Invalid Button links in the Language translations - Malfunctioning of the Language Element added to the Footer - Invalid display of the custom icon after the Language layout change - Invalid spacing in the Horizontal layout for the language Element - Lost Dropdown Caret for the Vertical Layout of the Language Element - Invalid CSS file paths for the Multi-Language Sites with folders - Incorrect display of the Favicon on the Multi-Language Sites - Invalid Width of the Language Element after editing the list - Invalid Color 1 for the Text Element on the Multi-Language websites - Invalid Hover Color for the Language Element - Invalid display of the HTML Element's Code fields after deleting in the Property Panel - Invalid Menu Item Active Color if there is page redirection on the server - Invalid Icon size added to the Grid Repeater Items in the preview in Chrome - Invalid Path for the Form Action Script - Malfunctioning of the publishing from the Site Settings - Malfunctioning of the Image Upload in the Desktop Applications - Malfunctioning of the Slider Animation if animated images are added to a Slide - Lost domain name after publishing from the Desktop Applications on some user projects - Invalid height of the Hamburger Panel Shading on scrolling - Disappearing element after converting images to a Gallery with the Best Practice dialog - Invalid export to image for projects with animated elements - WordPress: Empty Header on the Post Template if the widget is placed - WordPress: Invalid custom font after the import - WordPress: Invalid Action URL after the import - Joomla: Invalid Article ID after the reimport of the content - Joomla: unable to remove the Reviews from the Product Tabs ## Block and Page Designs We have created [new block and page designs](https://nicepage.com/html-templates) up to this update. [!new-designs-415.jpg!](https://nicepage.com/html-templates)