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So verwenden Sie die White-Label-Funktion für das Rebranding beim Erstellen von Websites

Die White-Label-Funktion ermöglicht es Ihnen oder Ihrem Unternehmen, Websites und Themen, die mit Nicepage für WordPress und Joomla erstellt wurden, umzubenennen, damit sie wie Ihre erscheinen. Es baut die Glaubwürdigkeit Ihrer Marke auf, stärkt Ihre Kundenbindung, spart Ihnen viel Zeit und Geld. Viele Designstudios und Agenturen für digitales Marketing genießen die White-Label-Option. Dein Branding auf Plugins zu haben hilft dabei, Bewusstsein und ein stärkeres Vertrauensgefühl bei deinen Kunden aufzubauen.
So verwenden Sie die White-Label-Funktion für das Rebranding beim Erstellen von Websites

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How To Use The White Label For The Rebranding Of Your Website

White Labeling is very popular for modern sites. It allows rebranding and making new white (for example, WordPress branding for a site) labels. We enable you to create white labeling WordPress nice sites (like Joomla) and make sure you can impress your visitors with a new design. Like the white label cms WordPress plugin, our service guarantees you that the result will stunningly display your content. Like the white label WordPress plugin, our instruments enable you to have strong relationships with your users. You can also use the white Label for the dashboard admin panels, for the custom login page (customizer), and so on.

As a rule, white Label WordPress plugins allow editing admin menu items, admin bar menu with footer, email address input elements, and so on. So, start white Labeling the admin menu, admin bar, menu items based on landing pages and give the user a new experience. Like the white label WordPress dashboard, the admin white label cms includes quite a few features that make it more premium than free. You can customize the login page white Label for WordPress site pages and change the appearance of the layout. The WordPress dashboard is useful to control the WordPress site and make the needed changes. The white label cms, which the Nicepage produces, is very comfortable for the admin bar menu like login page items.

Like the WordPress plugin, the White Label (cms) plugin allows giving a new look to the website. Our feature uses modern systems for working with website designs as the WordPress login page customizer. The white label cms feature also enables you to add new menu items on the custom dashboard. White Label WordPress plugin lets you configure your username administrator area, remove menus, and more. WordPress plugins you can use for your site's white Label. We enable you to change WordPress admin as login screen items as WordPress plugins. This feature has opportunities similar to the login page customizer. A white label helps you to add your own brand and attract users with the new Joomla and WordPress admin theme and customizable login screen.