Как использовать виджет «Облако тегов» в WordPress

Показать список всех тегов, назначенных вашим страницам и сообщениям WordPress, с помощью виджета Tag Cloud. Этот виджет дает вашим читателям мгновенное представление о ваших любимых темах, которые вы публикуете чаще всего. Вы можете отобразить наиболее распространенные теги с самым большим размером шрифта.
Как использовать виджет «Облако тегов» в WordPress

How To Use The Tag Cloud WordPress Widget

When you talk about search engine optimization, Tags are the most important thing you want to pay attention to. Because those give your visitors or readers information about your topicks, you can show a list of all the tags assigned to your WordPress pages and posts with the Tag Cloud Widget. This widget gives your readers an immediate idea of your favorite topics you post most frequently. You can display the most common tags in the largest font size. From the widger property panel, you can name it and Cange its background and border. Also, you can set taxonomy and tag count.

You can add the Tag Cloud to your WordPress site using a tag cloud widget. Add Tag clouds to your WordPress hosting site. You can search for how to add a Tag Cloud plugin using post tags. You must use your best WordPress plugins for WordPress blog posts. There are some plugins for WordPress Themes. How to display tags or categories, you need plugins for WordPress. How To create posts and pages using cloud plugin. Please look at the terms of service and follow us for more.

How to display a specific number of tags and recent posts on the table of contents. You can add tags or categories Using the Tag Cloud. You can leave the Reply Cancel Reply. Tag cloud WordPress widgets are helpful for visitors. Retailers prefer to display their product lists and the possibilities of plugin-based custom post types. They are displayed in different sizes depending on the number of posts of each Tag. Sign up today for new original cloud content and offers.