Ask a Question interagir avec les pages produits, connection,panier er commande de woocommerce

Hi, I need to know about interaction with product, connexion, cart and commande of woo commerce pages i cant customise these pages with nice page, could you give a solution. it is for a client. thank...
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Latest By Support Team

27 January 2022

Started 26 January 2022 by iguelan7

Ask a Question masquer une page

je souhaiterais masquer une page de sorte qu'elle ne soit pas accessible depuis le lien direct, mais plutot en passant par le site web.
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27 January 2022

Started 27 January 2022 by Christian Jumelet

Ask a Question how to publish landing page

I did produced a landing page with nicepage. How can I publish it to the web?
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27 January 2022

Started 27 January 2022 by sales3552

Ask a Question Page footer not displaying as per design in nice page!

Hi All, Rather confused here, I've spent ages designing my site, mostly because if the constant stuttering when moving sections around. Either way in getting a strange issue I have designed the...
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28 January 2022

Started 28 January 2022 by Regenerate3d

Ask a Question help with blog content displaying under blog post on home page

how do I get a snippet of the content on a blog post to display under a post. The post content is generic on all my pages causing me to have to go to each page and put a snippet.
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31 January 2022

Started 29 January 2022 by eady500

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31 January 2022

Started 30 January 2022 by logicenterprise2

Ask a Question Menu on mobile view won’t disappear on a page

Hello My client is having an issue where when she clicks the About page, the menu panel will automatically populate and we can’t click anywhere. The menu is set to open On Click not on Reload
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01 February 2022

Started 31 January 2022 by atsdesignsolutions

Ask a Question how to use a sec secondary menu in a page

Hi, I have 11 menu on my website, one is the primary for the home page, all the others are for the other pages of the site. if. I try to insert the menu in the header of a page I can only insert the...
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31 January 2022

Started 31 January 2022 by pixeliadesign

Ask a Question nicepage reinstalled, all pages gone

Nicepage reinstalled on my windows 10 home computer. After getting a new sign-in requirement, went back to the Desktop, NOTHING is there. Worked hard on my website, and nothing. No images. no video...
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Latest By MerlinAZ

31 January 2022

Started 31 January 2022 by bassoon

Ask a Question Why is my page moving horizontally like in the video?

Why is my page moving horizontally like in the video? Also the view is ok in the video which is being filmed with iPhone 12 Pro max, but I also tried it with Samsung galaxy s20 and it is being...
2 Replies
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02 February 2022

Started 01 February 2022 by EAD

Ask a Question Galley page design

Hello dear I have a question about the galley page design. How can I design my gallery pageو So that when one image is clicked, several more images will open on one page? Sincerely yours
4 Replies
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Latest By hossein.khalighi

04 February 2022

Started 03 February 2022 by hossein.khalighi

Ask a Question Where on Page Settings do I insert Alt Text for Images?

I've read several posts about how to handle this issue, and where, but I'm a VERY GREEN newbie, so I'm still unsure of what it all means. Do I put it in CSS, and if it's an image for that particular...
6 Replies
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26 August 2024

Started 03 February 2022 by gplea1958

Report a bug Upgrade v4.4 destroys all page formatting

Hi, I upgraded to v4.4 today and go and change two links on our site now all the page formatting has gone. Please see attached pictures of the changes to all pages. I haven't turned on large screen...
4 Replies
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04 February 2022

Started 04 February 2022 by licensing422

Ask a Question My Old Pages Deleted

I don't know what happened but My site pages were deleted automatically They Were so Important for my next project. (Note; All That Pages or Site Deleted or Vanished)
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06 April 2022

Started 04 February 2022 by dipanshu2yadav

Ask a Question Can I set up an invisible page on nicepage?

Can I set up an invisible page on nicepage?
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Latest By MerlinAZ

25 April 2022

Started 05 February 2022 by sakis