Ask a Question Indicate instructions, only view the eu popup cookies window, on the home page

Greetings Nicepage, Could you tell me the instructions, please, only view the eu popup cookies window, on the home page, we do not want you to view it on all pages, as is happening now by...
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10 January 2022

Started 06 January 2022 by etorres

Ask a Question How to select a page as the homepage

Hi, How to select a page to be the homepage of the website ? Thank you Eric
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08 January 2022

Started 07 January 2022 by ericsmusic

Wishlist Export 404 page as image

Hello, I'm fresh user of Nicepage for Joomla! web sites. I'm building my first web with your tool. I have a questoin. If I export pages from Nicepage Desktop as Image I can't do it for 404 page. Why?...
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10 January 2022

Started 09 January 2022 by MrKecirij

Ask a Question FOTO HOME PAGE

Buongiorno, ho creato una home page che riproduce in maniera random delle foto a tutto schermo, utilizzando la funzione "Full Width Slider". Immaginavo che tale funzione permettesse alle foto di...
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13 January 2022

Started 11 January 2022 by erib


Je désire ajouter une section ESPACE MEMBRE à un site Web. Comment créer une page où il faut entrer un MOT DE PASSE pour y accéder. Merci
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17 January 2022

Started 12 January 2022 by carrefour-lesplumes


Je désire ajouter une section ESPACE MEMBRE à un site Web. Comment créer une page où il faut entrer un MOT DE PASSE pour y accéder. Merci
6 Replies
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Latest By egsphotography

17 January 2022

Started 12 January 2022 by carrefour-lesplumes

Ask a Question Export Nicepage/Wordpress online and transfer it

Dear Nicepage Team, I started to create a website via Wordpress with Nicepage about 2 months ago. I did the whole thing on an already existing domain and server. How can I export all the data from...
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18 August 2022

Started 12 January 2022 by paulneitmann

Ask a Question Nicepage does not anymore work, and I cannot access to my 3 old pages !

Nicepage does not anymore work, and I cannot access to my 3 old pages ! Nicepage Personal Edition Active 28 Nov 2021 - 28 Nov 2022 Invoice 23541252 Nicepage Ultimate Edition...
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27 January 2022

Started 15 January 2022 by nicepage872


Je cherche le moyen d'installer un LOGIN pour protéger une page par mot de passe mais c'est fastidieux :( Avant d'acheter le logiciel, on m'avait assuré qu'un support serait offert pour ce besoin...
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19 January 2022

Started 16 January 2022 by carrefour-lesplumes

Ask a Question Page versioning

Can you make versions of a page or schedule pages to launch in advance?
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05 May 2022

Started 19 January 2022 by Sears SDLC

Ask a Question Creating a blog template on my page

It should be really easy to do this but I have no idea how to do this in your program. If you'll look at the attachment, I want to have a blog page below the header section with main area to the left...
7 Replies
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20 January 2022

Started 19 January 2022 by drxavier

Ask a Question a home page não é a desejada

quando publiquei o site no wordpress a pagina principal não é a da home page desejada podem ajudar
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20 January 2022

Started 20 January 2022 by CIADIP

Ask a Question 3 of 6 pages are not on website after publishing

Dear sir, I made a website with nicepage for joomla. I created 6pages. Only 3 pages are displayed correctly on the website. The 3 other pages give me a 404 page. What should I do? (I am an absolute...
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24 January 2022

Started 21 January 2022 by daemenels

Wishlist User templates for new pages

Hi NP, It would be great if NP allowed a complete page template to be saved in the online version. I have users contributing articles to my site and I'd like them all to use my pre-defined page...
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24 January 2022

Started 24 January 2022 by kinju_oz

Ask a Question head problem

Hello. I need urgent help. I have created a ready-made website with Godaddy, I will add html code there. I created a design with nicepage and when I use html code, the page does not open. How does...
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25 January 2022

Started 25 January 2022 by elmaralizade