Ask a Question I cant anchor blocks on on-page-site

I tried to anchor the menu to the blocks so that I could go directly to that section. But it doesn't work, it still takes me to the top of the page. if quick preview anchors works, but in chrome or...
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Latest By Support Team

16 November 2020

Started 14 November 2020 by bostinaru_Nicolae

Ask a Question Colon on the e in a page name

This week I experienced a problem. I made a site with page titles like Azië and Oceanië. Automatically the page names became the same. It turned out that the 4 resulting files on the site blocked my...
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Latest By Support Team

19 November 2020

Started 17 November 2020 by benb

Ask a Question Is the site done correctly? Is there anything to fix?

Hi, what should I do differently on my page? Image galleries don’t work the way I want them on every device. My intention is to add photos to that page and add pages with photos from different...
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Latest By Support Team

19 November 2020

Started 18 November 2020 by kari.m.alhainen2

Ask a Question CANNOT add Google analytics gtag.js to page Head. It disappears after I click done

I have attempted to add the gtag.js code to the head of the Additional Head HTML section of a page but after I paste it and click Done and exit the dialog box, it is gone. When I open it again it is...
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Latest By Support Team

19 November 2020

Started 19 November 2020 by Stan Makrinos

Ask a Question Blog page image clipping

Hello, I have a problem with the images on the blog page. I would like these to be displayed without any clipping. How can I do? Thanks. Paolo
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Latest By Support Team

23 November 2020

Started 20 November 2020 by paolo.sabella

Report a bug Woocommerce Template - category, product page

it is ok: some things to fix - like the way to category the template don't...
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Latest By Support Team

25 November 2020

Started 20 November 2020 by danielstanczak

Ask a Question Linking to Blocks from Any Pages in WordPress Plugin and Joomla Extension

how Linking to Blocks from Any Pages in WordPress Plugin Extension
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Latest By Support Team

20 November 2020

Started 20 November 2020 by contact3322

Ask a Question Is it possible to have in the same worpress the plugin Elementor Pro and Nice Page?

Is it possible to have in the same worpress the plugin Elementor Pro and Nice Page? Thank you
2 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

23 November 2020

Started 20 November 2020 by Jordi Bonet

Ask a Question Nice Page Website Pages Moved?

Hi, Our Nice Page website was live and working great for about 3 months, now suddenly everything but the home pages appears as: File not found (404 error) Everything is the same on Wordpress, and we...
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Latest By aplicacioneswebs

20 November 2020

Started 20 November 2020 by flickaustralia

Ask a Question How do I style the blog pages to look like the rest of my theme

Hi there, When I click on my blog post the styling I have on everypage (logo/menu bar) disappear. Do you have any advice to help style my blog posts to look like the rest of my site? Many...
8 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

25 May 2021

Started 21 November 2020 by oli261

Ask a Question I used Marko One font on my web page

I used Marko One font on my web page but when uploaded it on the server it doesnt show this folder, also slider on the home page is smaller then on the project please help me to improve this mistakes....
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Latest By Support Team

23 November 2020

Started 21 November 2020 by vazhikosopiko

Ask a Question Page publish

Hi, I am on basic account, yet my page is linked to a certain custom domain. How can I change that domain? Plus I cannot publish the site to nicepage domain.
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Latest By Support Team

23 November 2020

Started 23 November 2020 by biurokosiak

Report a bug New Page not visible

good morning I have generated some additional pages at HP, these are visible from the Nicepage Editor, but when they are called online, the error "The requested URL was not found on this...
4 Replies
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Latest By firefox71

24 November 2020

Started 23 November 2020 by firefox71

Ask a Question Are you really going to stop my access after i paid for a license if i don't upgrade to 3.0? trying to update a page and all I get is a ransom note to upgrade. Unconscionable.

I have a license. I need to update some pages. Your shitty pop up won't let me close it and get to my code. What is the workaround?
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Latest By Support Team

26 November 2020

Started 23 November 2020 by 42river

Report a bug Website opens at the bottom of the page.

Hi, I exported my website as HTML and upload it. My problem is my HOME page goes directly to the very bottom of that page. Why is this happening and how can i fix it??
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Latest By Support Team

25 November 2020

Started 24 November 2020 by lauraf.wilsonm