Ask a Question Menu Items

Cannot add menu items to Header......... Tried several ways. Is this a bug
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Latest By Support Team

27 January 2023

Started 10 March 2020 by bazpascoe2

Ask a Question Metadata and keywords not working

As I know SEO tab in the page settings allows us to add metadata and keywords, but it's not mach useful as I notice or need extra third party code? Can you explain me more please?
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Latest By Support Team

27 January 2023

Started 26 January 2023 by hameed_hashemi2001

Ask a Question iconos

Good morning, I have not seen a way to put an "alt" text on the icons, as it is in the case of the icons of social networks or sliders and this is penalized by google. Please tell me how to make these...
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27 January 2023

Started 16 January 2021 by FMencaz

Ask a Question WP plugins

If I wane use plugging from WP I have to have an account in WP? Can you please tell me how I can use wordpress plugins?
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Latest By xvemanuelvx

26 January 2023

Started 26 January 2023 by hameed_hashemi2001

Ask a Question Comment for blog

In addition I wane know if I wane make blog is there a facility to add comment section to customer will comment to my page or no?
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Latest By xvemanuelvx

26 January 2023

Started 26 January 2023 by hameed_hashemi2001

Ask a Question Ranking pages does not work offline

Hello, I can't rank the pages offline. What can I do for ranking? Kind regards, Jos
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Latest By Support Team

26 January 2023

Started 26 January 2023 by jos carremans

Ask a Question webshop

Hello, Will Nicepage get its own webshop in the future? That's important! I miss it in NP (I don't want WP) Kind regards, Jos
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Latest By Support Team

26 January 2023

Started 26 January 2023 by jos carremans

Wishlist Animation when opening and closing modals?

Would it be possible to animate the opening of modals? Also to close the modal when clicking on the background?
6 Replies
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Latest By Tony

26 January 2023

Started 23 January 2023 by Tony

Ask a Question index.html

I have a question about the homepage. If I give it a name to the home page like "we communicate" and export in html the page will exists in 2 copies. "we-communicate.html" and "index.html" is this...
6 Replies
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Latest By joaopeixoto

26 January 2023

Started 15 April 2019 by Auguste

Ask a Question Nicepage migrate site from Joomla 3.xx to Joomla 4.xx

Hi, I have a couple of sites made with NP that all are Joomla 3.xx. All sites are originally made in the desktop version and then moved to the joomla site. As all sites are uppdated on the on-line...
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Latest By Support Team

26 January 2023

Started 12 September 2022 by mickeHyman

Ask a Question Dates on the posts and post abstract

Hi On the following post abtract page, both post abtracts have the same dates (the date was Mon Jan 16 2023 when I modified the post abstract template....
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26 January 2023

Started 20 January 2023 by

Wishlist Nicepage 5.4: January 27, 2023 - Multi-Step Contact Forms

Dear Users and Followers! We are happy to present the new release of Nicepage 5.4. What's New in This Update? Multi-Step Contact Forms Add Contact Form StepLayout For Form StepsAdd Fields To Form...
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5 Votes

Latest By Support Team

26 January 2023

Started 26 January 2023 by Support Team

Ask a Question Issue with Carousel Arrows Vanishing

Arrows are vanishing completely when reviewing the template in quick preview and a browser. Resizing makes no difference Changed the module, still happens. Switched off password, checked security...
4 Replies
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26 January 2023

Started 25 January 2023 by paulinesplash

Ask a Question webshop in Nicepage

Hello, Is it possible to make a webshop IN Nicepage? Where can I find more information? How does Woocommerce work in Nicepage (not in Wordpress)? Kind regards Jos
2 Replies
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Latest By jos carremans

26 January 2023

Started 24 January 2023 by jos carremans

Report a bug Fonts don't load when you have subpages

The issue is the linking of the stylesheet fonts.css within the head. On the homepage this works fine but if you have sub pages the fonts.css file doesn't exist as its in the root of the...
3 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

26 January 2023

Started 23 January 2023 by marketing564