Ask a Question api for email form

step by step how to use api for mail forms when i add a mail form and setting email name i make a test but reurn me as error missi api how i ca solve this
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07 February 2023

Started 06 February 2023 by ysar6368

Ask a Question remove "Leads" from Form

How can I remove "Leads" from Form? I have already linked the form to my email address (that's all I want, I don't want Leads anymore). Can I remove "Leads"? Firstly, I am not a web developer and...
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07 February 2023

Started 06 February 2023 by Executive Cabs Glasgow

Ask a Question Speeding up the web for PageSpeed google test

when I test the page using the PageSpeed Insights tool, google tells me that it should reduce the amount of Java Script, or rather delay the loading of java script. Can you suggest a plugin for...
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07 February 2023

Started 07 February 2023 by filip.filipovic

Wishlist beta form telephone number

in the new form to choose the flag of a phone. Please put a default choice defined either by the language or by a choice of the webmsater. Being a French site, I would like for example that the French...
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07 February 2023

Started 07 February 2023 by designdealer13

Ask a Question Can I change the multilingual url slugs?

Hello, I have made my site multilingual, but now I get the slug end ?lang=en or ?lang=lt (depending on the chosen language) on every page. I want to use a subdirectory like .lt/en/ (my site is in...
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Latest By m1nte

07 February 2023

Started 07 February 2023 by m1nte

Ask a Question TİRED

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07 February 2023

Started 07 February 2023 by TİRED

Ask a Question Question

Good afternoon! Question: There is text in the block, it is very long, how can you hide it, but when you click the button to open?
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07 February 2023

Started 07 February 2023 by Denya11052

Wishlist It is necessary to add some indication of uploading files or the inscription "Wait, the application is being processed" after pressing the button of the form.

After developing the ability to attach files to the form, a certain "problem" arose. If a file or files are attached to the form, and they are large, then the form is processed for quite a long time...
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07 February 2023

Started 07 February 2023 by grigoriykovalenko

Ask a Question Unable to change width of hamburger menu

Hello, I've been enjoying Nicepage so far. It's an excellent web design software compared to others I have used in the past but I'm currently facing a bug that I still cant wrap my head around. After...
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07 February 2023

Started 08 December 2021 by CharlieXVi

Ask a Question Bounce rate in mobile device

Hi team, Is there a way you can assist us with decreasing the bounce rate in mobile device in our website?
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07 February 2023

Started 07 February 2023 by anthony409

Ask a Question How come I am unable to edit my Home

Hi, I am unable to edit my Home page. Each time I click the Content > Article > "Home" (as attached), I am unable to click anything and suddenly this Lock icon appears. Please advise, how should...
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07 February 2023

Started 06 February 2023 by mshamid

Wishlist Important questions about Nicepage

Hello, dear developers! My question's has most likely already been discussed earlier, but I insist on discussing and solving it. 1) I ask you to return the possibility of naming the main page of the...
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07 February 2023

Started 07 February 2023 by Vasiliy K.

Ask a Question folder intlTelInput

Since update there is a extra folder with name intlTelInput when export as html. for what is this?
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06 February 2023

Started 03 February 2023 by info43752

Ask a Question Scrolling slider

Hi I'm after a scrolling contact us on the right hand side of my page that clients can mouse over and contact us. I'm not sure exactly what it is called though! Can this be done in nicepage?
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Latest By enquiries26

06 February 2023

Started 03 February 2023 by enquiries26

Ask a Question Come usare il contatore

Buongiorno. Vorrei sapere come si utilizza il contare. Posso far si che ogni volta che qualcuno schiacci su il download di un file o su un bottone me lo conti? Grazie
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06 February 2023

Started 03 February 2023 by edoardosaviori89