Ask a Question Write HK

Hello sir, how to remove this title ?
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Latest By Support Team

19 February 2023

Started 17 February 2023 by roboticawaken

Ask a Question Slider images did not export with the site in html also favicon

Export to HTML does not export the slider images and the favicon; please explain why???
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Latest By Support Team

19 February 2023

Started 18 February 2023 by indexmurad

Ask a Question The Premium plan - life time

Hi, I want to buy the premium plan but I wonder how to understand "Free updates One year"? How much shoud I pay for second year? The option which I want to choose is lifetime. p.s. I'm junior dev...
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Latest By MerlinAZ

19 February 2023

Started 19 February 2023 by codegrafo

Ask a Question Editing a website

How can I edit my site if I didn't export it and I don't have it in the list of Online builder? I see it at /User/Sites
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Latest By Support Team

19 February 2023

Started 19 February 2023 by vasyachee

Ask a Question Unable to save my website

I am not sure what to do as i am unable to save my website, my licence is active. i am getting a notifications from WP to upgrade to the pro version but not sure if it is to do with that. I dont want...
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19 February 2023

Started 17 February 2023 by sophieauber

Ask a Question Türkçe Karakter Sorunu

Oluşturduğum sayfa ismi ile link adının farklı olmasını istiyorum. Örneğin; Sayfa adı : İletişim Link adı: iletisim.html Ama bunu başaramadım. Nasıl yapacağım konusunda bilgi lütfen.
5 Replies
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19 February 2023

Started 12 October 2022 by yerdosemeci

Ask a Question Help

I am trying to delete the site that is in the desktop application, but it is linked to another email, so I can't delete it but I can't work on my own site either, help.
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19 February 2023

Started 18 February 2023 by villazon2014

Wishlist It's possible to use just one tab and have it close by default?

We want to have a table with all features included below our pricing plans. we were thinking to use something like like an expand button (see screenshot). We though of using tabs, but if we use just...
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Latest By Support Team

18 February 2023

Started 18 February 2023 by mobilu

Ask a Question nicepage cost?

Slightly confused about the pricing. On your Premium page you list; -Number of Unhosted Sites 1 Site, 5 Pages... and -Number of Sites on Nicepage Hosting... Is the price for the use and/or...
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Latest By MerlinAZ

18 February 2023

Started 18 February 2023 by webcontacts01

Wishlist Feature request publishing

Hello, My feature request is: add publishing to a website as an extra export option.
4 Replies
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Latest By Pianoman

18 February 2023

Started 20 September 2018 by Tjaard Heikens

Ask a Question CSS

How can I load a CSS script up?
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17 February 2023

Started 17 February 2023 by fatdave42

Wishlist Nicepage contact form in Joomla > Reply-to field

Hi all, Is it possible to use the clients address as reply-to field in the contact form when used in Joomla ? (So that the receiver of the email can press reply instead of having to change the...
3 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

17 February 2023

Started 16 February 2023 by Asirmato

Wishlist Updates + Improvement Tips.

You have been updating usability and forms for more than a year, and it is useless for the vast majority. Keep in mind that the learning curve is fundamental for the understanding of the tool, and...
3 Replies
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Latest By aplicacioneswebs

17 February 2023

Started 21 December 2022 by aplicacioneswebs

Ask a Question how to remove

Helo again, I am writing you for the second time for same issue. Can u please instruct me how to remove "WordPress Theme created with WordPress Website Builder.". I want to replace it with my own...
2 Replies
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Latest By MerlinAZ

17 February 2023

Started 17 February 2023 by Kameleoni

Ask a Question edited many pages manually, now want to use nicepage to do update, all manual updates will revert, how do I fix?

Ok so my self created problem is that I used GoDaddy file manager to make various manual edits to webpages on my site over some period of time. Now I want to do some more extensive edits using...
7 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

17 February 2023

Started 16 February 2023 by ramycapital