Ask a Question проект из версии 5.5 в 5.4

Добрый день! Подскажите, как поменять версию проекта из 5.5 в 5.4? в настройках экспорта не нашел.
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Latest By Support Team

23 February 2023

Started 22 February 2023 by dizainersk

Ask a Question Joomla - template Nicepage

Hi, Request for a reminder what do I have to do in Nicepage for the page template to load? In Joomla, in the menu module, I chose hmenu.
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Latest By Support Team

23 February 2023

Started 05 September 2022 by raffe

Ask a Question Edit page in wordpress with iPad

Hello, It si possible edit page in wordpress with iPad? Thank you to answer
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Latest By Support Team

22 February 2023

Started 09 May 2022 by cernoch.jirka

Ask a Question How to Disable Right Click via CSS?

Hi, I know it is impossible to prevent image download 100%, but I want to at least disable "right click" to avoid "save as" option. Is there any CSS code for that?
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Latest By Support Team

22 February 2023

Started 22 February 2023 by sinancaglayan88

Ask a Question Multilan

Helo there, Is there any plugin for nicepage web to install for multilanguage purpose. I tried some of them but not working, i have personal user License. Thank you.
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Latest By Support Team

22 February 2023

Started 20 February 2023 by Kameleoni

Ask a Question - HOME / 1st site

Hi, i have a problem with my first site, i have exported to wordpress and also installed the theme. Everything ok. But if i open the site directly:, I dont come to the HOME...
2 Replies
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Latest By kolbsergey

22 February 2023

Started 22 February 2023 by kolbsergey

Report a bug Online builder

I have the ''personal'' plan but from the online builder I can't create more than one unhosted site... while from the application up to 5 unhosted sites, is it a bug or is it done on purpose?
2 Replies
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Latest By MerlinAZ

22 February 2023

Started 22 February 2023 by lorenzorima50

Ask a Question How can I export the project from WordPress to import it in NicePage Builder Application?

Hello, How can I export the project from WordPress to import it in NicePage Builder Application? I started in the application with creating the website. After that I imported it into WordPress. I...
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Latest By Support Team

22 February 2023

Started 22 February 2023 by info96673

Ask a Question Modal Pop-Up problems

I'm using a Pop-Up on my Website, if a user opens my page I want them to still be able o use the navigation even tho the pop-up is there. I can't find a way to fix that...
3 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

22 February 2023

Started 21 February 2023 by hostettler.mike

Report a bug Wordpress Content import failure (Error occured: (status 200)

Hi, I created a page (Home) in Nicepage, and export only contents (zip) and then trying to import into Wordpress, I am getting the below error. Error occured: (status 200) Can't find content.json in...
13 Replies
6 Votes

Latest By Support Team

22 February 2023

Started 25 October 2018 by

Ask a Question Лицензия

Здравствуйте, я покупал пожизненную лицензию, в условиях было написано что обновления будут в течении года, а потом прекратятся. По факту мне через год просто доступ закрыли к шаблонам и тд....
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Latest By Support Team

22 February 2023

Started 22 February 2023 by Rahmus

Ask a Question Question about publishing

Hi. The website that I builded is not opening by my custom domain after publishing. It is opening only by link of subdomain. Thanks for your help.
3 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

22 February 2023

Started 19 February 2023 by ralkodaniel

Ask a Question Log In Help

Hello. I cannot get the log in to work. I have the log in in the header. When someone logs in, I would like it to go to a Members page which has two pdfs available only to members. Currently, when...
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Latest By Support Team

22 February 2023

Started 21 February 2023 by shellynelson2004

Ask a Question unable to install NIcepage on my Mac

Hi, I am unable to install this on my Macbook. Once I try and open in from my Applications folder it wont open and I get the following error: Uncaught Exception: Error: Failed to get 'documents'...
5 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

22 February 2023

Started 13 February 2023 by debsiever

Ask a Question Multi-row footer

Hello I have a wish. Can you do also multi-row footer - same way as multi-row header ? I think it would be appreciated and very useful feature also, whether not? Thank you very much for...
6 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

22 February 2023

Started 13 October 2021 by webklub