Ask a Question How to integrate a custom php script into my Nicepage website

I have written a custom php script that receives data via a POST form and then creates an output on the same page after some complex calculations. The script is complete with "header" and "body" and...
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Latest By jtlodi

09 May 2023

Started 27 August 2022 by v.piasta

Report a bug Nicepage killed my website with an 500 Error, when i worked on a text in one of my sites!

I have edited a text in one of my pages with my Nicepage Editor and suddenly a 500 error appears and I can no longer access the Joomla system and I can no longer access my page.
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Latest By projectseven .Co .ltd

08 May 2023

Started 30 November 2022 by beate14

Ask a Question Footer "wordpress"

Hello, I have the best licence of Nicepage but I cannot remove the footer "with wordpress theme" even by deleting all the footer.php. Could you help me ? thanks
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Latest By Support Team

08 May 2023

Started 08 May 2023 by Tom BRUNEL

Ask a Question Template in Joomla not working

Template in Joomla not working. I create the article but then when I go to the menu item and change the template the page does not change. It still has the original template. Is there a way to force...
9 Replies
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08 May 2023

Started 13 January 2020 by ifawcett

Ask a Question changing footer.php in joomla4 template does not change the site

If I go to the template in Joomla 4 and change the footer by editing footer.php. that change is not reflected in the live site. I would periodically change a date in the footer without necessarily...
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Latest By Support Team

08 May 2023

Started 04 May 2023 by Rob19

Ask a Question Enlever un élément en bas de page

Bonjour, Cet élément s'affiche quand j'exporte le site je souhaite le supprimer comment fait-on? Merci.
3 Replies
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Latest By MerlinAZ

08 May 2023

Started 03 September 2020 by panel.tony

Ask a Question Youtube videos not playing

Hi, using desktop nicepage builder app..i have created a page.. I added a grid template and added videos (instead of photos) The videos were all autoplaying.and i was not seeing the option to disable...
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08 May 2023

Started 04 May 2023 by pg2032

Ask a Question Nicepage ads

Hi, PERSONAL LIFETIME LICENSE Nicepage ads are not removed after HTML download. Tank you. Best regards.
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08 May 2023

Started 05 May 2023 by rlouvel

Ask a Question Saving Files

Where can I save my Nicepage files for myself... is there a save as option?
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08 May 2023

Started 08 May 2023 by meredith.eddy

Wishlist Integrate AI functions into Nicepage (Please vote for this feature)

Elementor has introduced new AI features for an additional cost of about 3 euros/month. These can include: Writes or edits unique content based on your prompts or queries Translates your content...
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Latest By Support Team

08 May 2023

Started 08 May 2023 by xvemanuelvx

Ask a Question Contact form has stopped working

I regularly go on to my website( or get others to) to check the contact form is working. I last did this on 1st May, with no issues. However, my ad campaign with google was reporting multiple clicks...
2 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

08 May 2023

Started 08 May 2023 by drinicolis

Ask a Question DSGVO Google reCaptcha und Google Maps

Sehr geehrtes Nicepage-Team, wie Ihnen bestimmt bekannt ist, sind laut der europäischen DSGVO (Datenschutz Grundverordnung)  Verbindungen in sogenannte unsichere Länder wie USA zu Google nicht...
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08 May 2023

Started 08 May 2023 by moewe

Ask a Question BLog creation

I want to create a blog, but how does it work? Can i add posts on the site itself or do i always have to do it through nicepage and reupload my website?
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08 May 2023

Started 05 May 2023 by xhitmanxdutchx

Ask a Question intlTellnput

Hello for a test I used something like a form, which I thought I have deleted. It appears not because i find in my export folder the folder "intlTelInput" with "intlTelInput.css, intlTelInput.min.js,...
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Latest By Support Team

08 May 2023

Started 05 May 2023 by Jean-Philippe

Ask a Question Possible to make something like this please?

Hello, I am trying to use the desktop application to create a static website which would show six rectangular buttons when viewed on a computer, and the buttons would stack when viewed on a mobile...
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Latest By MerlinAZ

08 May 2023

Started 08 May 2023 by joseph.bishay