Ask a Question PHP Export

When will there finally be the possibility to export everything as php instead of html?
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Latest By Support Team

06 June 2023

Started 12 August 2022 by di1583

Wishlist text direction Arabic and Latin (Bilingual websites)

As every web developer strives to appear professional to his clients, he must maneuver around the editor he is using to achieve the best results, but he occasionally runs into a brick wall,...
14 Replies
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Latest By sukhonomar

06 June 2023

Started 27 September 2022 by sukhonomar

Ask a Question publikacja strony na własnej domenie

Dzień dobry. Czy tworząc stronę internetową przez mogę opublikować ją na własnej, wykupionej już domenie, nie korzystając z planu premium? Ponadto chciałabym się dowiedzieć czy w planie...
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Latest By Support Team

06 June 2023

Started 06 June 2023 by i.wysokinska

Ask a Question integrration of website

Hello, Could you please help me to integrate my wonderul page which is created on to my own website. HTML codes are no working directly by using copy & paste. I already...
3 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

06 June 2023

Started 06 June 2023 by gnyzplt

Ask a Question GA conversion code

Unfortunately, I am unable to add the GA conversion code to the HEAD section of the thank you page. Any tips on how to do that? Thanks Pavel
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Latest By Support Team

06 June 2023

Started 04 June 2023 by regczm

Report a bug "Create Links without .html" is giving me a 404 error. Help!

Hello, I am trying to remove the .html extension on the URLs of my pages within my website. When I click publish, there is an option to "Create Links without .html" but it doesn't seem to be working....
6 Replies
1 Votes

Latest By Jet de Jager

06 June 2023

Started 22 December 2022 by sunhwareiner

Report a bug Pages published in mobile mode do not appear

Pages published in mobile mode do not appear (mobile)
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06 June 2023

Started 29 May 2023 by Alimentarius

Ask a Question Currency options

Hello, I'd like to know how to create currency options (like combobox). Thanks.
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06 June 2023

Started 06 June 2023 by admintca

Ask a Question Question about CSS

The html references the css file nicepage.css. Where is that page located?
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05 June 2023

Started 05 June 2023 by briansiadak

Ask a Question want to create shopping mall

I want to create a master Mall site , with many shops in it . could be anything from 10 - 1000 shops I must be able to copy and pastefrom word docmets and als provide shopping cart same as Amazon...
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Latest By Support Team

05 June 2023

Started 05 June 2023 by premapens

Ask a Question How to insert email and re-enter email field in the contact form

Hi, I want to create a form with the possibility to insert an email and re-enter an email, and if the 2 inputs are different the form cannot submit. it is possible? it is possible to change the text...
3 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

05 June 2023

Started 01 June 2023 by A12 Web Studio

Wishlist Gallery thumbnails size

Hello, would it be possible to add an option to set the preview in the gallery to a fixed size or fixed aspect ratio? Now I upload photos to the gallery, but the total height of the gallery is set to...
3 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

05 June 2023

Started 31 May 2023 by regczm

Ask a Question Audio Player - adding more songs and playing not possible

Hello, i tried the new nicepage audio player feature. Great to offer this, thanks. The following issues don´t work. How to fix this please? I can´t add more than 1 song - but in your news there is...
3 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

05 June 2023

Started 03 June 2023 by webdesign

Ask a Question how formats's video to supports the nicepage?

how formats's video to supports the nicepage?
5 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

05 June 2023

Started 25 May 2023 by ppm.leet

Ask a Question mac mini m2

Hello, I am a user of Nicepage and I am using a Mac Mini Pro 2. Recently, after the latest update, I have been experiencing frequent software errors when using Nicepage. The entire screen becomes...
6 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

05 June 2023

Started 27 May 2023 by yufan