Ask a Question how seo keywords work?

would you like please to tell me how seo keywords work, because inside my website that i will create i don't think so in this design there is a search engine thank you sarantopoulos nikos
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Latest By Support Team

12 June 2023

Started 14 March 2023 by nsarantopoulos68

Ask a Question Change background colour when scrolling.

Hi. I would like the background colour of my website to change when I scroll to certain areas. Is this possible with Nicepage? Have a look at this example page. If you scroll down here, the colour...
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Latest By Support Team

12 June 2023

Started 12 June 2023 by xvemanuelvx

Ask a Question New Audio Element

It's like you read my mind with the addition of audio element, but unfortunately, it only allows one audio file at a time. I thought it would have been possible to have it like a playlist. May I ask...
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Latest By Support Team

12 June 2023

Started 06 June 2023 by onyineo72

Ask a Question Need assistance

New to this, do I need wordpress to start creating my websites?
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Latest By Support Team

12 June 2023

Started 12 June 2023 by Workingbee3333

Ask a Question Hyperinking Images

How do I hyperlink the images?
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Latest By Support Team

12 June 2023

Started 07 January 2022 by bolbat

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Latest By MerlinAZ

12 June 2023

Started 12 June 2023 by gauravbrijwasi6

Ask a Question bug

it shows in the footer the Website Templates created with HTML Builder. and i have premium business package
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Latest By Support Team

11 June 2023

Started 09 June 2023 by tlkungfu1

Report a bug File upload "Allow multiple files"

Hello, "Allow multiple files" is not allowing multiple files. Please advise Thanks
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Latest By Support Team

11 June 2023

Started 21 April 2023 by glasgowspeaker

Ask a Question WordPress- the footer part is repeating everything

Greetings. I am experiencing a problem when I publish the template in WordPress, the footer part is repeating everything that is written several times. You can check my footer of the page...
4 Replies
2 Votes

Latest By trenton_hunt2

11 June 2023

Started 21 July 2021 by echaar

Ask a Question Html export

HTML-export is't free anymore? It's only thing why i use nicepage.
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Latest By MerlinAZ

11 June 2023

Started 23 November 2020 by makitalo.onni

Wishlist Pixel Ruler for Graphic Design

Hello, I like the grey bar feature on the left side of the work screen that shows the blocks. Now all that is missing is a pixel ruler. I need everything to be visual while I am working. There should...
3 Replies
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Latest By GShelemy

11 June 2023

Started 31 May 2023 by GShelemy

Ask a Question Using Nicepage as a frontend to a REST API server

My expertise is in writing business management applications (In Delphi and some Java script) I have just started using Nicepage to create static websites and have to say it is the best website...
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Latest By mike.jones

11 June 2023

Started 11 June 2023 by mike.jones

Ask a Question photo size limits

I'm working on my first site while still in the trial mode. I'm setting up a photo gallery and the system noted a 5MB size limitation. How can I use larger photos?
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Latest By Support Team

09 June 2023

Started 09 June 2023 by paul8332

Report a bug JS Files

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Latest By Support Team

09 June 2023

Started 09 June 2023 by sultananargis21

Wishlist Wire Frame Display Mode for Nicepage

I do graphic design work and it is very hard to find 'hidden items' on the Nicepage work screen. I'm requesting a 'wire frame display mode' to make it easy to discover items that are stacked or hiding...
2 Replies
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Latest By GShelemy

09 June 2023

Started 09 June 2023 by GShelemy