Ask a Question how to remove

how to remove Templates created with Website Builder Software . at page bottom
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Latest By MerlinAZ

19 June 2023

Started 18 June 2023 by gowudi

Ask a Question What is difference between nicepage for windows and wordpress plug-in?

Hi, Support Team I installed Nicepage on my windows PC. But I've also found that there is wordpress plug-in. I am wondering if both functions are the same or different. If the function is the same...
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Latest By Support Team

18 June 2023

Started 14 October 2019 by

Ask a Question Uploading to Wordpress Error

When I upload my exported site to wordpress I get this error: The import archive contains one or more invalid files. Please make sure the names of your XML files don't contain punctuation marks like...
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Latest By Support Team

18 June 2023

Started 16 June 2023 by ivanevans28

Ask a Question Navigation menu is not appearing

I have crearted a page with nicepage for joomla but the problem is that when I preview the site, the navigation menu is not visible. Please help me it's urgent.
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Latest By Support Team

18 June 2023

Started 14 June 2023 by firstwire9

Ask a Question Lost content on Contacts Page

I lost the content of my Contact Us page which was published 10hours ago. How do I retrieve my Contact Us page that was saved yesterday (say 10 hrs ago)
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Latest By Support Team

18 June 2023

Started 18 June 2023 by EBT

Ask a Question Voglio cancellare la mia registrazione al sito

Buongiorno, voglio cancellare la mia iscrizione al sito web. Potete farlo voi? Oppure, come devo fare? Grazie.
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Latest By Support Team

17 June 2023

Started 17 June 2023 by viviana.iiriti

Ask a Question information after buy

I want to buy the "business" version if after 1 month I want to switch to the "pro" I pay the full price? how much do i pay?
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Latest By MerlinAZ

17 June 2023

Started 23 December 2019 by davide.marce

Wishlist Nicepage 5.12: June 19, 2023 - Payment Button. Payments Via PayPal

Please Vote For E-Сommerce Features We appreciate it if you spend your time to vote and answer questions about the e-commerce features you want on your websites. We need your opinion! Dear Users...
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Latest By Support Team

16 June 2023

Started 16 June 2023 by Support Team

Ask a Question access to html

how can I access the folder with the site that I have already published, there is a ready-made working site with the nicepage domain and I would like to implement changes through an html file, how can...
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Latest By Support Team

16 June 2023

Started 16 June 2023 by TopiT00

Wishlist Add Version to CSS and JS files

It would be great if Nicepage would append the theme version # to the css and js files in html code so that people don't have to clear caches to get the newest version. This isn't a big deal on...
7 Replies
8 Votes

Latest By javsalgar

16 June 2023

Started 15 September 2021 by accounts632

Ask a Question Post Date

Is it possible to edit Date in a post (inside NicePage, of course)? It would be useful!
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Latest By Support Team

16 June 2023

Started 16 June 2023 by ml_13

Report a bug bug found in composing pages between pc/mobile/laptop

Hello. Hello, when editing HTML pages (text and images) and creating formatting for PC, laptop, mobile, and others, sometimes, upon finishing the formatting, NicePage automatically misaligns the...
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Latest By MerlinAZ

15 June 2023

Started 15 June 2023 by ivobelchior

Ask a Question Can I upload a website I've created in nicepage to use on Bluehost?

Hi, Can I upload a website I've created in nicepage to use on Bluehost? Thanks,
3 Replies
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Latest By reed

15 June 2023

Started 04 August 2020 by justinxbaker

Ask a Question something related to seo keywods

i see that is not enough from keywords to putting just a keyword and after , can be for example: special music staff,excelent wood store can be like that? thank you sarantopoulos nikos
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Latest By Support Team

15 June 2023

Started 15 June 2023 by nsarantopoulos68

Ask a Question Web studio in Croatia

We are a small webdesign in croatia with own server. We have a few question.... do you offer a white label branding of nicepage? do you affer in your system Croatia language do you offer a...
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Latest By Support Team

15 June 2023

Started 15 June 2023 by Web dizajner