Wishlist Please Vote For E-Commerce Features

Dear Users And Subscribers, We appreciate it if you spend your time to vote and answer questions about the e-commerce features you want on your websites. We need your opinion!
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Latest By aplicacioneswebs

26 June 2023

Started 20 June 2023 by Support Team

Ask a Question More than 30 characters long page name addition

One of my old page which I created in Artisteer has more than 30 characters. I need the same page name in nicepage. How I can get the same page name?
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Latest By Support Team

26 June 2023

Started 26 June 2023 by Pestica Pest Control

Ask a Question Cookie banner script

Salve, vorrei capire quale script posso inserire come codice da implementare nel cookie banner. Grazie
4 Replies
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Latest By Iamfree

26 June 2023

Started 26 June 2023 by Iamfree

Ask a Question Wordpress

How to integrate WordPress Widgets to my desktop Nicepage builder
7 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

26 June 2023

Started 27 May 2023 by tumanjongchiraymond

Ask a Question YouTube Channel far out of date

How about you guys put some effort into keeping your YouTube channel up-to-date?We still have videos on there that are no longer relevant and I have yet to find a decent video specifically about...
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Latest By Support Team

26 June 2023

Started 26 June 2023 by cody.flanagan

Ask a Question CSS problem

Hello, I am using free version of Nicepage for my art site http://primalritual.com/ Until yesterday all way working fine but after last upload of little update the website seems broken, looks like it...
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Latest By Support Team

26 June 2023

Started 26 June 2023 by ondrejsevcik

Ask a Question add something like that to you wish list

i would like to something like that ,that i am showing in the image add that one to your wish list thank you sarantopoulos nikos
3 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

26 June 2023

Started 26 June 2023 by nsarantopoulos68

Ask a Question Custom Page Size

How I can create a page with Custom Size settings? E.g 500px x 500px? Thanks for help Regards Lukasz
13 Replies
1 Votes

Latest By summercurrants

26 June 2023

Started 09 July 2020 by lpiziak

Ask a Question What can i do with nice page free

I, my doubts, related to nicepage free are, are: Can i create a website with nice page, export it and use it in a client page? Can i use the images provided? Can i create as many websites as i want,...
6 Replies
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Latest By summercurrants

26 June 2023

Started 02 November 2020 by ricardoaraujo00

Ask a Question New Update Warning

Just thought I would mention this message shows up when I do the updates. Warning This extension does not provide a checksum for validation of the integrity of the downloaded file. JInstaller:...
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Latest By Support Team

26 June 2023

Started 25 June 2023 by nadjaking2

Ask a Question nicepage app license

I have a question how long does it take for the Nicepage app to use the license because i recently changed my email address and it's asking me in order to make more than 1 sites i need to get...
3 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

26 June 2023

Started 26 June 2023 by papicandy

Ask a Question Domain name

Hi upon using your template, can i connect my domain name? thank you!
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Latest By Support Team

26 June 2023

Started 26 June 2023 by beguenerick

Report a bug exporting template throws error

when exporting template for Joomla 4 says error occured. publish uncompleted. How to fix? Using Nicepage Windows (5.12.7)
2 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

25 June 2023

Started 25 June 2023 by instantinlaw

Report a bug GO TOP BUTTON

3 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

25 June 2023

Started 19 August 2022 by papznick098

Ask a Question Embed blocks into Squarespace site

Hi, Is it possible to embed any of your page blocks into our Squarespace website? I'm looking to make our website look nicer. Example: We want a 'Contact Us' block which shows the phone number and...
3 Replies
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Latest By MerlinAZ

24 June 2023

Started 21 June 2023 by jaawadanwar