Wishlist Sorting images in Media

Hi, How can I sort images in order of filename? (now the list is randomly). Also when importing images in the Images Gallery is randomly and are not sorted on filename. How can I import images in a...
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29 June 2023

Started 29 June 2023 by bram35

Ask a Question Why you took off the "auto-page creation options"?

Hello, guys! Wish you a good day. I`ve just noticed you took off the auto-pge creation/design/layout options that appeared when creating a new page. The options to create a blank page but selecting a...
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29 June 2023

Started 19 April 2022 by LGALLP

Ask a Question Formulaire

Bonjour. Pouvez-vous m'expliquer à quoi correspond la case "mise au point automatique" dans les formulaires svp ?
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Latest By Support Team

29 June 2023

Started 29 June 2023 by sourismoi

Ask a Question Menu Improvements

Hello Nicepage developers. In the next few versions can we work on improving menus, mega menus, and mobile menus? Different states for the hamburger menu on open and close, fluid animations for...
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Latest By Auguste

29 June 2023

Started 19 January 2023 by aaanupes

Ask a Question Import site from Hostinger.com in Nicepage

Hello, I lost all my projects on my PC (crashed) How can I download my site from my provider 'Hostinger.com' if I create a zip file from all pages on my website then it showed me a message "Not a...
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Latest By MerlinAZ

29 June 2023

Started 28 June 2023 by a.vanderplas56

Ask a Question Traffico

Dove vedo il mio traffico del sito? quante persone visualizzano per quanto tempo etc?
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29 June 2023

Started 29 June 2023 by PabboDev

Ask a Question eMail Contact Us Form Control

I'm creating a form for to allow a viewer to email my client. When I test the form it sends it to my address (the developer of the site). How do I get it to email my client instead?
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28 June 2023

Started 28 June 2023 by drew

Wishlist Back to Top button - can it be added to all pages at once?

Hello, I need to add Back to Top button on all my pages. Is there a way to add the button all at once, or do I need to do it one by one? Thanks.
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28 June 2023

Started 28 June 2023 by anya.brudzinska

Ask a Question Import page to a online builder

I would like to know if it is possible to export a page created offline and then import it into the online builder?
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Latest By Support Team

28 June 2023

Started 28 June 2023 by santiagobozzetti

Ask a Question Cant export project

I had exported one project in the desktop version, and when I tried to do export my updates, it didn't allow me. I even went on to try the Mac version in hopes of a resolution but it still asks me to...
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Latest By MerlinAZ

28 June 2023

Started 21 February 2021 by maurice.matthew.20

Ask a Question Nicepage theme in Joomla 4

Hello, I am new with Nicepage, I have some Artisteer experience but Nicepage is quite different. I am creating a brand new site on Joomla 4 with NP. I started with installing Joomla extension, doing...
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28 June 2023

Started 16 April 2023 by vmtitov2

Ask a Question HTML

Почему я не могу єкспортировать HTML сайт? Он же включен в бесплатный пакет.
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Latest By MerlinAZ

28 June 2023

Started 28 June 2023 by cuppessauxeutreu-7515

Ask a Question Question

Dear Support, I want to know if the features for instance on the PERSONAL package on Block Layouts which is 200 is per site or for the five sites. Can I migrate form subscription to license at any...
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Latest By MerlinAZ

28 June 2023

Started 28 June 2023 by Wollnet

Ask a Question Flux instagram ou Fllickr

Bonjour. J'aimerais savoir comment intégrer une gallerie instagram ou flickr sur une page Nicepage svp ?
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Latest By Support Team

28 June 2023

Started 28 June 2023 by sourismoi

Wishlist Panneau de justification et d'alignements

Bonjour. Il serait très interessant d'avoir un panel pour justifier les éléments les uns aux autres ainsi que les alignements. Pouvoir sélectionner différents éléments et pouvoir intégrer un espace...
5 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

28 June 2023

Started 29 June 2020 by sourismoi