Ask a Question your niche

none of the links in the block on a one-page web operational.
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Latest By Support Team

08 July 2023

Started 07 July 2023 by tuddin2008

Ask a Question Downgrade to older version

Hi, I'm experiensing some troubles with the last update. How can I rollback the version?
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Latest By Support Team

07 July 2023

Started 07 July 2023 by rumkunev

Ask a Question ecommerce how to do

Hello, can you leas let me know where I can find instruction on how to do e-commerce website? Is it possibile to do it without having a third party tool like Joomla or similar? I just need a static,...
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Latest By Support Team

07 July 2023

Started 07 July 2023 by

Ask a Question Automatic response form

Is there a solution that automatically replies to the customer based on the email address entered in the form?
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Latest By szabotomy

07 July 2023

Started 07 July 2023 by szabotomy

Ask a Question Tracking code

Hello, I use webtracking code like this: var _Hasync= _Hasync|| []; _Hasync.push(); _Hasync.push(); _Hasync.push(); (function() { var hs = document.createElement('script'); hs.type =...
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Latest By Support Team

07 July 2023

Started 07 July 2023 by p.zondervan

Ask a Question Remove "Website template made with website builder" in Wordpress Plugin

Hello, I have purchased the Nicepage License and would like to remove the text "Website template made with website builder" in the footer. I created the pages with the nicepage wordpress plugin. How...
3 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

07 July 2023

Started 07 July 2023 by

Ask a Question Schema Url Missing

Hi anyone, I would like to know how I can add the "url" element in { "@context": "", I noticed that in some sites built with Nicepage is present, in others not. Why? Where it's...
7 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

07 July 2023

Started 29 December 2021 by eemira

Ask a Question Problem with plugin defender/nicepage

Hi nice page team, I have a "problem" on one of my website. I use wordpress with the plugin nicepage, and have also "defender", which is a firewell and secure connexion and activity (404 error, try to...
2 Replies
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Latest By wagon22

07 July 2023

Started 07 July 2023 by wagon22

Ask a Question Online project

Hi, I have a question. If I have it correctly in mind then it is not possible to create and work on all different possibilites like joomla, html or word press online, right? With our actual project...
9 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

07 July 2023

Started 25 June 2023 by Jobello

Ask a Question All my site in 1 article in Joomla

Hi there, I am using Joomla 3 and nicepage for develop my website and I Import my website to Joomla but my whole website is in one article, I want it to be separated between start, about, contact,...
3 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

07 July 2023

Started 06 July 2023 by leonardofragosomello

Ask a Question Export as Jpg other language

Hi, creating a site in 2 languages and want to have the French (not defaultt one) as jpg. When I export this is only the default language. Knid regards
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Latest By Support Team

07 July 2023

Started 02 February 2023 by info43752

Ask a Question domain

Can I link my website as is to my domain that I own or do I need to upgrade my account?
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Latest By MerlinAZ

06 July 2023

Started 06 July 2023 by rachelk200

Wishlist My wishlist is...

For me Nicepage is a fantastic platform to create sites. Too bad, however, that it was not able to solve: 1. easier management of contact forms (too complicated for me to manage a server-side form)
3 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

06 July 2023

Started 06 July 2023 by Iamfree

Wishlist My sites

Hello, would it be possible to improve the management of "my sites" a little? I have dozens of websites in progress in my portfolio, and the management is getting confusing. It's just a narrow preview...
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Latest By Support Team

06 July 2023

Started 06 July 2023 by regczm

Ask a Question Unpublish Site

I unpublished my Site;( How can i make this return? Because i do not see it anymore?
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06 July 2023

Started 06 July 2023 by hsgeometer